Checkpoint Slow Distance Show(help)

after i edited the filter script of a job wich containt Job with Checkpoint's
it's all fine , mean all working good
but !

whene am going in game and doing the CMD

it showing me the first checkpoint and the second but the other checkpoint i cant See them only if i get very closer to them , (i know the location of checkpoint where are they ..)

here is the filter script i use

and i tryed to change the CreatedynamicCP Float Distance to higher to get the checkpoint showed up quickly but nothing (mean the problem still there)

and i tryed to up the stream_distance on server.cfg but the same rezult (negative)

i hope if you can help me guys's

is there any one understand my problem ?

Why you use CreateDynamicCP?
You created first checkpoint with SetPlayerCheckpoint and it work fine , create all checkpoints with SetPlayerCheckpoint

because Rimmon , i was having it at first and then i cant see any checkpoint then
so i created it DynamicCP so i can see checkpoint but now till i get closer to the checkpoint's

I don't know CreateDynamicCP parameters , i can't help you
if DynamiC has view range it is probably too tiny

Okey Rimmon, whene am backing the old setplayer checkpoint , he given me the same problem , i can see the checkpoint neither whene am getting closer to her ?

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