Splitting numbers.


I have to split numbers on a way like this;
When I have a number like 1223
I want to split it so I get , 122 and 3
But also when I have 32032 as number, it should become 3203 and 2.
Or 10 should become 1 and 0.
Is there a easy way to do this?
Or should i write a function for it.

I would just do it the easy way and use Valstr. For example,

pawn Код:
new number = 1223, str[5];
valstr(str, number);
//str[0] = "1"
//str[1] = "2"
//str[2] = "2"
//str[3] = "3"
You can just use string functions to split it. May be an easier way, but that's just how I'd do it.

I've written a function just now that cuts numbers in half:

pawn Код:
cut(const integer, const pos, const delim=' ', &value1, &value2) {
    new str[16], splitter[2], value[2][16];
    splitter[0] = delim;
    format(str, 16, "%d", integer);
    strins(str, splitter, pos);

    strmid(value[0], str, 0, strfind(str, splitter), 16);
    strmid(value[1], str, strfind(str, splitter) + 1, strlen(str), 16);

    value1 = strval(value[0]);
    value2 = strval(value[1]);
For example, my number is 35270.

pawn Код:
new num1, num2;
cut(35270, 2, ' ', num1, num2);
printf("Number 1: %d", num1);
printf("Number 2: %d", num2);
Outputs the following:

[05:06:23] 35
[05:06:23] 270

Ow well, thanks both of you, I already wrote a function, but I will look at yours Emmet.
Anyway here is my function;
stock GetRoomInfo(roomid,type)
	if(type == ROOM_NUMBER)
	    new number[26];
	    new finalnum[26];
	    strmid(finalnum, number, strlen(number)-1, strlen(number));
	    return strval(finalnum);
	    new number[26];
	    strdel(number, strlen(number)-1, strlen(number));
	    return strval(number);
	return 1;

What? Why would it be necessary to convert it to string first and then convert it back? This solves all your problems:

pawn Код:
new LastDigit = number % 10;
Edit: To get the left part you would subtract the LastDigit from the orginal number and then divide by 10. Ex:

pawn Код:
1222 % 10 = 2
(1222 - 2) / 10 = 1220 / 10 = 122

Yo thanks that worked great.

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