From where to download admins commands?

Im new here pls say me how to insal scrtips and the most important-how to use admins commands-like /ban /kick /weather?

* /rcon cmdlist - Shows a list with commands.
* /rcon varlist - Shows a list with the current variables.
* /rcon exit - Closes the server.
* /rcon echo [text] - Shows the [text] in the console of the server (NOT the client-console in-game).
* /rcon hostname [name] - change the hostname text (example: /rcon hostname my server).
* /rcon gamemodetext [name] - change the gamemode text (example: /rcon gamemodetext my gamemode).
* /rcon mapname [name] - change the map name text (example: /rcon mapname San Andreas).
* /rcon exec [filename] - Executes the file which contains server cfg (example: /rcon exec blah.cfg).
* /rcon kick [ID] - Kick the player with the given ID (example: /rcon kick 2).
* /rcon ban [ID] - Ban the player with the given ID (example: /rcon ban 2).
* /rcon changemode [mode] - This command will change the current gamemode to the given one (example: if you want to play sftdm: /rcon changemode sftdm).
* /rcon gmx - Will load the first gamemode (gamemode0) in server.cfg.
* /rcon reloadbans - reloads the samp.ban where the banned IP addresses are stored. This will clear all the IP-addresses.
* /rcon reloadlog - clears the server_log.txt.
* /rcon say - shows a message to the players in the client-console (example: /rcon say blah).
* /rcon players - Shows the players that are in the server (with there name, IP & ping).
* /rcon banip [IP] - Ban the given IP (example: /rcon banip
* /rcon unbanip [IP] - Unban the given IP (example: /rcon unbanip
* /rcon gravity - Changes the gravity (example: /rcon gravity 0.00.
* /rcon weather [ID] - Changes the weather (example: /rcon weather 1).
* /rcon loadfs - Loads the given filterscript (example: /rcon loadfs adminfs).
* /rcon unloadfs - Unload the given filterscript (example: /rcon unloadfs adminfs).
* /rcon reloadfs - Reloads the given filterscript (example: /rcon reloadfs adminfs).

Download an admin script, or make one of your own.

Good luck!

or just use rcon :P

how do i make my own?

Originally Posted by Dylan_Madigan
how do i make my own?
First learn..

CAN SOMEONE PLESE TEACH ME HOW TO MAKE SCRIPTS AND CODES, I AM RELLY NEW. if there is anyone or any website/link to teach me the codes and everything, i would like it!
#7 there you go and no need for caps

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