
Hi. I've been thinking for a while and I have no idea how to do the following thing:

Okay, OnPlayerSpawn I want a message that a person has spawned. That is a simple code.
Also I need to kind of give players weapons OnPlayerSpawn too, but the problem is that OnPlayerSpawn is
kind of linked upon OnPlayerDeath too, so when a player respawns, it says in the chat " (playername) has spawned! "
How can I kind of seperate these two scripts?

- Cir

Use a playervariable which gets set after the FIRST spawn to 1 and ask if the variable == 0 or == 1 in the Callback.

aaah, thanks man!

pawn Код:
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
    new str[128],pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],firstspawned[MAX_PLAYERS];
    if(firstspawned[playerid] == 0)
        firstspawned[playerid] = 1;
        SendClientMessage(playerid,0xFFFFFFFF,"Have a free m4!");
        for(new i=0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
            format(str,sizeof(str),"%s has spawned",pname);
    return 1;

What the heck are you posting for pseudo code? It's not useful for him to get a whole code snippet, because this way he can't learn anything + the Playervariable would be global better.

Also would it be enough to use SetPVarInt and GetPVarInt when he doesn't have a enum or otherwise anything for players.

Originally Posted by ulbi1990
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What the heck are you posting for pseudo code? It's not useful for him to get a whole code snippet, because this way he can't learn anything + the Playervariable would be global better.

Also would it be enough to use SetPVarInt and GetPVarInt when he doesn't have a enum or otherwise anything for players.
It's also helpful to learn from codes, i learned how to make stuff like dynamic bars and stuff from looking at a dynamic business coding.

Also i'm not using an enum.
pawn Код:
new str[128],pname[MAX_PLAYER_NAME],firstspawned[MAX_PLAYERS];

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