What second button to use in a dialog?


It's a common question, should we use "Back" or "Cancel" in a dialog with many dialog boxes? Indeed, "Back" allows us to get back to a previous window without the need to retype the command and do all the way to the window you want, but you have to hit back a few times if you want to cancel.

So I made this poll to see what you players like the most when you play SAMP on a server, I'd choose back but what do you think?


Well I Think Back Will be Suitable
Cancel looks a little Bit harsh
Maybe you can use Quit Or Exit Instead of using Cancel

Yes that's what I thought after writing the thread, you can always use ESC to cancel so "Back" is better

If I'm not mistaken, ESC and the second button have the same attribute (!response). So ESC and the second button will return previous dialog.

The Back idea is better. For example, if you select the wrong item and close the dialog, you'll have to open the dialog again and make your way back to the previous box.

Maybe both

Looking at the practical uses, "quit" is a rather useless option, "back" will be more useful.
In the cases where you got an input dialog, the user could just leave it blank to cancel the action and quit the dialog. For list dialogs you could add a quit option. Just if you only display a message in a dialog without any input, you cant have both choices. But mostly users will rather need to go back after reading the message instead of quitting the whole menu (errors, infos about something, etc).

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