SMF on 000webhost (free forum) Tutorial

Hey guys, I've seen way too many people saying that they are going to provide a service where they are hosting SMF or giving you a domain, This is a newbie tutorial. Please don't go with the other people saying they are going to give you a service for free, it's stupid and you can get backdoors inside your script.

1. ****** SMF download, I've put the link here for you.

(Click that and it will start downloading.)

2. Create a 000webhost account,

3. Just log in and you will come to this page

Click "Create New".

4. That will bring you to this page right here,

For this tutorial we aren't going to buy a domain and use it with 000webhost, but you can do that by buying a domain on a website such as and then typing that in at the section that says "I want to host my own domain.". If you aren't going to be paying for a domain, just type it in the subdomain area.

5. Click on the setup new account button and you will end up here.

6. After it is setup it should look like this,

Go to the C-Panel

Under Software and services go to MySQL.

Here is where you can enter the details for the database and users, but for this tutorial we are just going to use the following:
For the database name we are going to be using forum.
The username is going to be tut.
I've just typed hello123 as the password.

You'll come to a screen like this.

Once that's done just click back to control panel.

Click on "View FTP Details". You'll need this to put SMF on. Download an FTP client such as FileZilla

and then type the details you've got into the client.

7. You'll want to open your public_html folder

Open up your SMF files,

and just drag them into the FileZilla area.

Wait until all those finish.

Once they are all done just go to the domain you setup when you made the account in 000webhost, for this one I'm using

8. You'll arrive at the SMF setup screen, this is where you'll need to enter your details for MySQL.

Click continue and you'll end up here.

Just enter the details you got earlier (If you closed them just click back on MySQL on the cpanel on 000webhost.)

Click continue, then you'll end up here.

Feel free to change the settings around as it's your own forum, but I'm just going to leave it as this is just a tutorial.

After that click continue

You'll end up here after that

Just click continue.

After that you'll end up here. Just setup whatever you want here, this is going to be the admin account. I'm making it

Login: Haydn
Password: samptutorial

This is just so you guys can test it out to see if you'd like it for your own community.

After that, just click continue.

Click yes to delete the install.php.

You are now done!

You're welcome.

Login details:

Username: Haydn
Password: samptutorial

Nice tutorial!

Originally Posted by Luis-
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Nice tutorial!
Thanks man!

Good tutorial

With all due respect, but if you can't do something as simple as this by yourself then in all honesty you really shouldn't be running a server/forum.

I might also add that, while there is nothing wrong with free forum software in itself, it does make you look cheap. Especially if it is hosted on a free webhost. It's like saying: "Hey, I don't want to spend a dime on this project!" Other people also tend to have a lower esteem in regard to such servers.

Originally Posted by Vince
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With all due respect, but if you can't do something as simple as this by yourself then in all honesty you really shouldn't be running a server/forum.

I might also add that, while there is nothing wrong with free forum software in itself, it does make you look cheap. Especially if it is hosted on a free webhost. It's like saying: "Hey, I don't want to spend a dime on this project!" Other people also tend to have a lower esteem in regard to such servers.
I agree completely.

i have had nothing but problems with 000webhost in the past. They are so slow.

nice tut.

I should probably go post this link in the 'companies' that have been offering these 'services.' A very clean and simple tutorial. And yes, I agree with Vince, if you cannot do something this simple, your IQ is probably too low to run a server maturely.

Originally Posted by cj101
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i have had nothing but problems with 000webhost in the past. They are so slow.
This. Buy a proper host, its not expensive at all

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