Help me please

What we can do if someone is trying to hack my server?

Change rcon password Maybe he knows it

Sharpen the security. Change the password of your MYSQL database (if you use MYSQL), change the RCON password, change your hosting account password, and always, always, no exceptions, always hash your passwords in the userfiles!!!!
If you do this all, and do it good, there is just a small chance for them to succeed. Good luck!

But someone still can crack my server rcon password. i used there both tips..

Are you hosting your own server? If not, try using the paid hosting companies, they handle hackers better and they prevent DDoS'es.

Make sure the RCON password is different to any passwords you've used anywhere else. Use a combination of letters and numbers.

Best of luck!

Always use hashed passwords and so that they'd be not just hard to guess, but impossible to. What I use for my passwords, at first place - generate good passwords:

PHP код:
function pass($st 7) {
substr(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0$st);

then, it might sound funny but I write them down on paper, although you can just write them in a simple .txt document. Other possibility is if you're getting keylogged. (I doubt there's other way to "hack" rcon passwords)

Agreed with Jstylezzz

I've changed my rcon password + Mysql password. but still that guy can hack my rcon password..

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