
Hi guys im looking for a host that would host us for free if anyone approves please reply.

Hi, we are all looking for a free host, but the truth in the matter is there isn't one.

Well there might not be any free hosters right around now. But they are people that will host if you give them your script for them to host it for like a clan server.etc . But its very rare and hard to find some people like that. Like sponsors for your server.

Even if you could be able to find a free server hosting,
it won't be that efficient like paid hosting, and you may experience,
downtimes and crashes a lot.


I believe there is a thread specifically designed for requests such as this.

There isn't such as free hosting that you want!! Also i think some ppl here hostings free (but im not sure.)!

Well, I suggest you to state what you want in your signature. Who knows, you might get lucky haha
Good luck.

There are free hosts out there. Try Volt tedt server or something whilst you have a look for one. Check the scripters and helpers thread in the server support section.

Yes Good

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