No ENGLISH role play servers..

Hi'ya i have just recently realised that there are no English rp server, by rp, i mean heavy roleplay.

I have played a few rps in English but they dont feel rp at all. By looking at my name you might realise that i am Polish and i know where are few heavy Polish role plays that i really enjoyed but i'm seriously bored of them now + i wanned to play one with my english mates. Does anyone know any decent role play servers? And is it just me that thinks the same way..?

If you want heavy roleplay that's English you can try LS:RP but I wouldn't be able to tell you how good they are, etc.

Yeah i triedd ls:rp but i reallly didnt like it for some reason Thanks for trying to help tho

Try looking around the Advertisements or look in peoples signatures.. hint.. hint..

Look at

Originally Posted by curtis11
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They have a quiz but still the roleplay is pretty bad.

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