[HELP]Race Timer

Hi people,
my english is not soo good but i try to start.
i want to create a race timer who save the time after the last checkpoint. i worked with

new timeMs = ( GetTickCount() - racestart );
new minuten = (timeMs/60000);
timeMs -= (minuten * 60000);
new sekunden = (timeMs/1000);

but often hes >>>skipping(Why. Maybe because SetTimer( ?)<<< a second and on this one

public countdown()
new string[50];
second ++;
if(second > 59)
Mini ++;
second = 0;
format(string, sizeof(string), "Zeit: %02d:%02d",minuten,sekunden);
TextDrawSetString(Textdraw7, string);
return 1;

i dont know how to continue.. i hope anyone can help me
its like this
but my function is skipping a second for example every 5 seconds

Maybe its because the SetTimer" ?

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