Maths (Velocity)

I'm trying to make a thing that makes a player's vehicle face the center of SA (done - easy) and go towards it, with the same speed. I'm about 90% there, but I'm not an expert with velocity etc. and I'm trying to make the velocity the same speed as BEFORE the function was called.

Here's the mess I have so far:

pawn Код:
CMD:center(playerid, params[])
    new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);

    // Make the vehicle face the center of SA
    new pAngle = SetPlayerLookAt(playerid, 0, 0);
    // Set velocity to go toward center of SA
    new Float:velX, Float:velY, Float:velZ;
    GetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, velX, velY, velZ);
    new Float:vAngle = float(pAngle);
    new Float:total_lat_velocity = floatabs(velX) + floatabs(velY);
    // We need the same lateral velocity after (so as that the speed is the same).

    Debug_SCMFORMAT("Vel: %0.2f (X: %0.2f + Y: %0.2f)", total_lat_velocity, velX, velY);

    SetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, floatsin(-pAngle, degrees) * total_lat_velocity, floatcos(-pAngle, degrees) * total_lat_velocity, velZ);
    return 1;
The thing is, now I think about it, I also need the Z velocity to be counted also. For example, if I'm in a Hydra flying STRAIGHT DOWN at 50 mph (example), when I type this command I want to be going towards the center of SA at 50 mph. The main thing I know is that the sum of the three velocities (x/y/z) must be the same BEFORE and AFTER, and the proportions will be different (due to changed angle).

I've tried many things, but haven't gotten very close. Help appreciated :<

You will basically have to transform the velocity axis and turn them around in the new direction like a cube, and apply the new velocity like you're already doing. I'll try and think for you and draw some calculations later on

That doesn't really help me. I'm clueless.

I'm not really sure how to do this but I would recommend sending a PM to Stylock aka (YJIET) he helped me with some object rotation code recently and has a very strong affinity for these sort of mathematical problems I'm almost certain he could provide a solution for you.

Actualy, I've altered it a little bit to include the Z velocity and it appears to work now. It SLIGHTLY increases the player's speed, but that's kinda what I wanted anyway.

Originally Posted by MP2
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Actualy, I've altered it a little bit to include the Z velocity and it appears to work now. It SLIGHTLY increases the player's speed, but that's kinda what I wanted anyway.
Great. It's what i wanted to suggest anyway. Good luck with the script!

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