How can i get a free scripter?

How can i get a free scripter for my server?

By not asking here?

By learning to code, you can then code for free yourself!

You need one stargate and a scrambled egg.

Originally Posted by king_hual
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You need one stargate and a scrambled egg.
Fuck, forgot the scrambled egg...

By enslaving one.

You can't.

The best way to get a free scripter is to find the worst, newest, and most newbie scripter you can (so that they have not learnt about how these things work yet and don't realise that their skills are worth a lot of money); then promise to pay them when they are done, steal the mode and run away never to be seen again.

Sure, you won't get much longevity from this method and very quickly people will start to hate you and tell others not to deal with you, but that's the only way you are going to get someone else to do something for you for nothing.

Originally Posted by king_hual
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You need one stargate and a scrambled egg.
Where did you get your stargate from if I may ask?
I can't seem to find on on Amazon or eBay.

Originally Posted by saiberfun
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Where did you get your stargate from if I may ask?
I can't seem to find on on Amazon or eBay.
You can find them easily on starBay and DamnaZon

Kidnap one. I would prefer Y_Less.


There is no free scripters , Except if he will get something in return .

I need a scriper too LOL

Actually, I script stuff for free all the time. Infact, I've only charged 1 time, and I'm not sure why I did.

Originally Posted by bond1999
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I need a scriper too LOL
You could buy a bunch if you want to, i bought 2 the other day

Don't try it man. Free=steal

The reason no one is able to find a decent coder to help them build a server is the person asking is either very immature, not thankful, doesn't have money to support the server when the script is complete, or has an idea that has been replicated a thousand times.

If you're starting up a server you need to either know scripting yourself or have a very close friend/real life friend who does.

Originally Posted by Bakr
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The reason no one is able to find a decent coder to help them build a server is the person asking is either very immature, not thankful, doesn't have money to support the server when the script is complete, or has an idea that has been replicated a thousand times.
Forget not having the money to support it after - most don't have the money to support it during. Managers at McDonalds in England get about Ј17,000 a year, that's not a lot (~$25,000) but still more than what most people offer to pay scripters. This is in contrast to what professional programmers get paid, in one of the best markets to be in at the minute.

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