SA:MP On Vista Laptop

Anyone got any ideas to reduce the lag I'm getting with SA:MP / GTA SA on my laptop? Vista Home Premium:

Dual Core 2Ghz
386Mb Intel GFX

Should easily run it without lag, yet it lags...

Any ideas? So far I tried changing affinity of gta sa in task manager but it never saves it to use 2 CPU Cores, same with the priority.

GFX Update:

Mobile Intel® 965 Express Chipset Family
Display Memory: 358 MB
Dedicated Memory: 0 MB
Shared Memory: 358 MB


Does it lag in single player?

Did you updated graphic drivers and did you disabled power-saving ?

Not a clue, i'm running a lagtastic desktop here with 512 MB ram and 3 GHz single core CPU. It may take a weeek to load (slight hyperbole there) but once it's up it's "usually" lag free.

Tried both, still laggy .

maybe try installing more ram?

3 GB is way enough for San Andreas, no need for more RAM?

oh sry didn't read the 3gb part there :P

Stop all the porn downloads. Close/exit any unnecessary programs running in the background (if it's really bad, close xfire and steam too if you have them).

Turned off as much shit as I could pyro, it still laggy. Tbh I think it's the gfx, anyone know if it is possible to upgrade a laptop gfx card?

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