Anybody Know How to Fix this ?

Anybody Know how to Fix it ? Please Help me

Are you getting this when launching samp-server.exe?

Hi LeoLar,

It is most likely that the DLL is missing or in the wrong location.
You can download the DLL from in the C:\Windows\System32 or the location of the server files.

Please tell me if this works by +1 rep!
If you need any more assistance feel free to message me thanks!

No ! when i start PC and its Wont me Get on Server...

You need to download and add the DLL to your C:\Windows\System32 folder or into your Rockstar Gaming folder then with GTA San Andreas

Originally Posted by KeithLatteri
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Hi LeoLar,

It is most likely that the DLL is missing or in the wrong location.
You can download the DLL from in the C:\Windows\System32 or the location of the server files.

Please tell me if this works by +1 rep!
If you need any more assistance feel free to message me thanks!
Allready Did that its STill Says Its Missing idk why .

Here I will message you on skype for further instructions

Problem Have Been Fixed By KeithLatteri ! thank you !

I was with that problem too..but i do that ''You need to download and add the DLL to your C:\Windows\System32 folder or into your Rockstar Gaming folder then with GTA SA".

Download that DLL file to your System32 Folder, or your Directory. Once you're done, Try starting SAMP/GTA SA and it shoudl work.

Guys, the reason why it won't work is because he may have a 64 bit computer....

If you have a 64 bit Windows 7,etc.. Put it into your SysWOW64 folder..

Then go into CMD prompt and enter this in

regsvr32 name.dll

name.dll is the /dll file make sure you lead it to the DLL file though.

Simply run search for this file through your PC, if it's missing, you may try to download it and place it in required folder where it's missing. Error message states the source of this issue pretty clear though

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