Online Time Bonus?

Hey guys, I just made a timer of this.

pawn Код:
SetTimer("1hourbonus", 3600000, 1);
But, I don't know how to do it. So, basically how can I do it?

A one-hour bonus for a player, so one player one timer.

pawn Код:
#include < a_samp >

    bonusTimer[ MAX_PLAYERS ];
public OnPlayerConnect( playerid )
    bonusTimer[ playerid ] = SetTimerEx( "BonusOneHour", 3600 * 1000 /* 3600 x 1 seconds */, true, "i", playerid );
    return true;

public OnPlayerDisconnect( playerid, reason )
    KillTimer( bonusTimer[ playerid ] );
    return true;

forward BonusOneHour( playerid );
public BonusOneHour( playerid )
    SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Bonus! You got a ban for playing 1 hours." );
    BanEx( playerid, "Too much playing on the server." );
    return true;
A basic one should look like that.

lolwat, that ban reason is obvious, anyway, I will try it out!

You wanted the one without variable thingy :
pawn Код:
public OnGameModeInit( )
    SetTimer( "OneHourBonus", 3600 * 1000, true );
    return true;

forward OneHourBonus( );
public OneHourBonus( )
    for ( new i, slots = GetMaxPlayers( ); i < slots; i ++ )
        GivePlayerMoney( i, 5000 );
        SendClientMessage( i, -1, "ONE HOUR AWARD!" );

    return 1;

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