21.04.2013, 09:28
I have an Account System based on BlueG's MySQL R8 system. I have done everything in phpMyAdmin, i have WAMP and all those stuff.
Everytime i connect, it shows up only the register dialog, that means i don't have any account, even after i type my password and i reconnect.
Here is the dialog function:
Here is the function wich loads the player data:
Can any of you help me to fix it ?
#Sorry for my bad english
Everytime i connect, it shows up only the register dialog, that means i don't have any account, even after i type my password and i reconnect.
Here is the dialog function:
MySQL_Account( playerid , acc[ ] ) { new rows, fields, string[ 256 ] ; cache_get_data( rows , fields ); if( !rows ) { format( string , sizeof( string ) , "{FFFFFF}Welcome, {0537FF}%s {FFFFFF}!\n{FFFFFF}You need to register before playing !" , acc ); SPD( playerid , Register , PASS , "{FFFFFF}Register" , string , "Register" , "Kick" ); } else if( rows ) { format( string , sizeof( string ) , "{FFFFFF}Welcome back, {0537FF}%s {FFFFFF}!\n{FFFFFF}You need to login before playing." , acc ); SPD( playerid , Login, PASS, "{FFFFFF}Login" , string , "Login" , "Cancel" ); } return 1; }
MySQL_Load_Data( playerid , acc[ ] ) { new rows, fields, str[ 256 ] ; cache_get_data( rows , fields ); if( rows ) { cache_get_row( 0 , 0 , str ); P_DATA[ playerid ][ SQL_ID ] = strval( str ); cache_get_row( 0 , 3 , str ); P_DATA[ playerid ][ Admin ] = strval( str ); } else { P_DATA[ playerid ][ FailedLogins ] ++ ; format( str, sizeof( str ),"{FFFFFF}Hey, {0537FF}%s {FFFFFF}!\n{FFFFFF}You have entered the wrong passowrd !\n{FFFFFF}Please, retype your password below but careful because you have just {0537FF}%i {FFFFFF}chanches left !",GetName( playerid ) , 3 - P_DATA[ playerid ][ FailedLogins ] ); SPD( playerid, Login, PASS, "Login", str, "Login", "Exit"); if( P_DATA[ playerid ][ FailedLogins ] == 3 ) { format(str,sizeof( str ),"%s {FFFFFF}has been kicked ! [ Reason: {FF0000}Wrong Password {FFFFFF}]", GetName( playerid ) ); SendClientMessageToAll( C_B, str ); new Text[ 30 ]; format( Text, sizeof( Text ), "{FFFFFF}You have been kicked because you tiped wrong your password for 3 times !" ); SPD( playerid, PassKick, PASS, "{FF0000}KICKED !", Text, "Ok", "" ); Kick( playerid ); } }
#Sorry for my bad english