Compile HELP!

Helo,this is my new account on this forum..And here is the problem..:
I have one good gmod,but i add some new scripts then i try to compile and this is problem: ,i really need solution for this problem who can help me? Please people ! [Sorry for my bad English]..

You make comment have of your code. Compile. If it doesnt crash, means the problem is on the other part of the code. Then you cut in half in the same way that part. Again and again and you finally spot the problem.

P.S.: What I said above is a guide which I had read 3 months ago and I couldnt find the link to give it to you. But this is the vital information I gave you.

Originally Posted by HurtLocker
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You make comment have of your code. Compile. If it doesnt crash, means the problem is on the other part of the code. Then you cut in half in the same way that part. Again and again and you finally spot the problem.

P.S.: What I said above is a guide which I had read 3 months ago and I couldnt find the link to give it to you. But this is the vital information I gave you.
You see bro i can say that i'm scripting beginner i can give my gmod script to someone who can fix that and give me back? I will do something for him? Rhm,can you do that?

You are missing bracket.

The solution I gave you is a piece of cake to apply. If you give me your code, thats what I will do, so why to give it?

Rrefresh! It's on 3 page,i'm loosing player's please help me people i will loose all of my players the server is offline 3 days please !

Maybe upload the codes u added ? For check them !? And also try to re-compile the last script the backup u made if u I hope... if theres same compile problem the gamemod u got bugged...

Originally Posted by yaron0600
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Maybe upload the codes u added ? For check them !? And also try to re-compile the last script the backup u made if u I hope... if theres same compile problem the gamemod u got bugged...
That's is too hard to find the last script what i add, is there any program who can do this? Or something else?

Teach me how to paint

HurtLocker says all you need to know. Do that and you will find the problem with your script.

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