16.04.2013, 13:25
Everything is described below, I tried topic "Looking for scripters/helpers" but nobody answered me, maybe there're only people who scripting.. don't know. Anyway, here's my message:
Well, maybe I will find someone here. Anyway, here's something new & new skin.
Everything is described below, I tried topic "Looking for scripters/helpers" but nobody answered me, maybe there're only people who scripting.. don't know. Anyway, here's my message:
One year ago (exactly is: 27.17.12, 4:00P.M) I started creating Dragon Ball gamemode for SA-MP. It would be something different than old gamemode types which we already have, I just wanted to create something.. special. This gamemode would be awesome, as we all know, we've a lot of Dragon Ball fans (and I am). So, after couple of days I went to "Screenshots and Videos" section and presented there, what I have created so far for this gamemode. However, this gamemode has never saw the light of day. The question is.. why? and the answer is really, really simple. No one wanted to create some good animations, environment.. I just needed some people that know how to model things. I tried everything on my own, I didn't finished the script because there wasn't any sense of doing that. Anyway, I'm gonna handle it again, but this time I need one or two people which are know how to create animations and model objects. However, a texture person would be good as well, we can create own effects then. Scripting I can handle on my own. Links: Topic on Forum.SA-MP.com "Screenshots and Videos" Progress which I had, one year ago... People that are interested, please contact me via PM or *******. P.S I'm gonna try to get some really good voice sounds from Dragon Ball game.. I just need a time for it. |