14.04.2013, 17:19
I have a dialog that shows the banned persons details, including BAN ID, username, reason, ip, and expire date.
BUt for some reason the last two don't want to show up correctly
As you can tell by yourself that's a weird looking IP and the expire date is when the UNIX time-stamps started.
The code:
And the part where I fetch the MySQL data:
More information:
Saving it into enums:
When banning someone:
Anyone knows why this is like this?
And I've noticed if there are more players banned, and I click on another one, it sticks to 1. ANyone who can help me solve this also?
I have a dialog that shows the banned persons details, including BAN ID, username, reason, ip, and expire date.
BUt for some reason the last two don't want to show up correctly
As you can tell by yourself that's a weird looking IP and the expire date is when the UNIX time-stamps started.
The code:
pawn Code:
new banString[800], expireDate[128];
mtime_UnixToDate(expireDate, sizeof(expireDate), BanInfo[listitem][bUNIXExpire]);
format(banString, sizeof(banString), "Ban ID: \t\t%d \nUsername:\t%s \nReason: \t%s \nIP: \t\t%s \nExpires on: \t%s ", BanInfo[listitem][bBanIndex], BanInfo[listitem][bBannedPlayer], BanInfo[listitem][bBanReason], BanInfo[listitem][bBannedIP], expireDate);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_BANINFO, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Ban Information", banString, "Ok", "");
pawn Code:
for (new i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
while(mysql_fetch_row_format(banQuery, "|"))
mysql_fetch_field_row(BanInfo[i][bBanIndex], "BanIndex");
mysql_fetch_field_row(BanInfo[i][bBannedPlayer], "BannedPlayer");
mysql_fetch_field_row(BanInfo[i][bBannedIP], "BannedIP");
mysql_fetch_field_row(BanInfo[i][bBanIssuer], "BanIssuer");
mysql_fetch_field_row(BanInfo[i][bBanReason], "BanReason");
mysql_fetch_field_row(BanInfo[i][bUNIXExpire], "UNIXExpire");
mysql_fetch_field_row(BanInfo[i][bUNIXBan], "UNIXBan");
strcat(finalString, tmp);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_BANLIST,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{ff6600}Banlist", finalString,"Change","Cancel");
More information:
Saving it into enums:
pawn Code:
new BanInfo[MAX_BANS][E_BAN_INFO];
pawn Code:
stock BanPlayer(playerid, playerBanner[], banReason[], banDays)
new pName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], escapedName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], escapedActionName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], safeReason[128], playerIp[16], banQuery[300];
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, sizeof(pName));
mysql_real_escape_string(pName, escapedName);
mysql_real_escape_string(playerBanner, escapedActionName);
mysql_real_escape_string(banReason, safeReason);
GetPlayerIp(playerid, playerIp, sizeof(playerIp));
if(banDays == 0) { format(banQuery, sizeof(banQuery), "INSERT INTO bans(BannedPlayer, BannedIP, BanIssuer, BanReason, UNIXBan, UNIXExpire, ShouldExpire, Expired) VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %i, 0, 0, 0)", escapedName, playerIp, escapedActionName, safeReason, gettime()); }
else { format(banQuery, sizeof(banQuery), "INSERT INTO bans(BannedPlayer, BannedIP, BanIssuer, BanReason, UNIXBan, UNIXExpire, ShouldExpire, Expired) VALUES('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %i, %i, 1, 0)", escapedName, playerIp, escapedActionName, safeReason, gettime(), gettime() + (banDays * 86400)); }
KickEx(playerid, 5);
return 1;
Anyone knows why this is like this?
And I've noticed if there are more players banned, and I click on another one, it sticks to 1. ANyone who can help me solve this also?