I need a person to help me fix my server [Paying]

my server is bugged i tryed to ask people but no one knows maybe via team viewer than i will pay you via team viewer.
i will be paying via Paypal Send me a message and we can talk about it

Just say wat ur prob

when i run my server on local host it work fine but when i run it on hosted here is what happens

whats the problem its the same damn script

Maybe your filterscript/gm error..Try to check it

i did its the same script i checked many times
also i have no fliterscript and can this be a error?
pawn Код:
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664          Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

Header size:           7156 bytes
Code size:          1702604 bytes
Data size:          2095116 bytes
Stack/heap size:      16384 bytes; estimated max. usage: unknown, due to recursion
Total requirements: 3821260 bytes

Show me ur server.cfg

Originally Posted by Giroud12
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Maybe your filterscript/gm error..Try to check it
No shit, Captain Obvious.

Originally Posted by Giroud12
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Show me ur server.cfg
That won't do anything.

@OP: This error is usually caused by not having any AddPlayerClass lines under OnGameModeInit(). If that's the case, I would suggest that you add one and see if that resolves the issue. Otherwise, research it a bit for yourself: http://*******/YRNC5Y

So why u saying shit to me,
I just wanna help

Originally Posted by Giroud12
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So why u saying shit to me,
I just wanna help
You shouldn't be trying to help in scenarios that you know nothing about.

Ahh ok youre reallly really pro,
And im a noob

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