Question: Shamal Spawning With 0 PassengerSeats

As far as I remember Shamal has 1 passenger seat.
For some reason, it spawns with 0 passenger seats (/dl shows that), and you can only enter it as a driver (or pilot in this case).

Have anyone ever seen this happen before?
It happens SPECIFICALLY with Shamal.
What could cause that?

As far as I know, you can only enter as a driver, but you can also enter as a passenger. When you enter as a passenger, you just get sent to an interior which is nothing special meaning you cannot sit in the seats and look out like you can do in other cars and aircrafts.

No that's actually something scripted.
You usually can enter as a passenger.

I've never known the Shamal to have passenger ability...?

By default, you CAN'T enter as passenger in a Shamal. Some servers might allow this, but this is scripted on the server-side. If you want this to work too, you need to script something similar. The only planes which allow 1 passenger by default, are the Beagle, Dodo and Skimmer. (Note that you can perform passenger drive-by's in these planes as well.)

To add to the above stuff, OnPlayerEnterVehicle (with ispassenger == 1/true) is called when you press G to enter a Shamal as a passenger.

I actually was working on a script that has something to do with shamal when player enters as a passenger.
For some reason I was sure that you can enter it as a passenger by default...

Thanks guys.

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