A tag mismatch

Hello, I'm getting a tag mismatch with this:

pawn Код:
while( fread(filehandle, line) )
I have looked on the wiki and it seems to be the correct syntax..

Are you sure your handle variable has the File tag?

This should somehow give you an idea,

pawn Код:
new line[128]; //A string a 128 string cell (depending on the size of your file, change it)
    new File:filehandle = fopen("" /* << .txt file location/name */, io_read); // this will open the file
    while(fread(filehandle, line)) // This will read the file
        // Your code here
    fclose(filehandle); // Closes the file
Maybe you forgot the File: in the filehandle variable. It will be easier if you can give more code.


Function where I'm getting the tag mismatch:
pawn Код:
stock INI_GetInt(filehandle, Key[], &dest) {

    new pos, line[MAX_FILE_STRING];
    while( fread(filehandle, line) ) {
        if( (pos = strfind(line, Key, false)) != -1 ) {//-1 would be not found
            new idx = pos + strlen(Key) + 1;
            if(line[idx] == ' ') {//the value is nothing
                idx = pos + strlen(Key) + 2;//if the = sign is further across
                if(idx > strlen(line)) return -1; //there was no value found
                dest = (idx < sizeof(line)) ? strval(line[idx]) : 0;
                return 1;
            dest = (idx < sizeof(line)) ? strval(line[idx]) : 0;
            return 1;
    return 0;
how i'm testing it:

pawn Код:
new File:Myfile = fopen("MyFile.ini", io_read), myscore;
INI_GetInt(Myfile, "score", myscore);

You need to add a File tag to filehandle

stock INI_GetInt(File:filehandle, Key[], &dest) {

    new pos, line[MAX_FILE_STRING];
    while( fread(filehandle, line) ) {
        if( (pos = strfind(line, Key, false)) != -1 ) {//-1 would be not find
            new idx = pos + strlen(Key) + 1;
            if(line[idx] == ' ') {//the value is nothing
                idx = pos + strlen(Key) + 2;//if the = sign is further across
                if(idx > strlen(line)) return -1; //there was no value found
                dest = (idx < sizeof(line)) ? strval(line[idx]) : 0;
                return 1;
            dest = (idx < sizeof(line)) ? strval(line[idx]) : 0;
            return 1;
    return 0;
That should fix it

Ahhaha, found the prob you forgot to add File: to the top of your function title before filehandler just like how you are testing it

EDIT: Shit someone already posted first.

Ahh thanks

I forgot that you had to add tags within the function params

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