11.04.2013, 23:48
Fiz aqui um bбsico CMD para ver a senha do banco de um certo player.
Porйm nгo consigo achar a linha que mostra se o player tem ou nгo conta bancбria para que possa colocar no codigo...
Segue abaixo os code do Banco. "Nгo vou postar meu CMD , caso for precise fale".
Porйm nгo consigo achar a linha que mostra se o player tem ou nгo conta bancбria para que possa colocar no codigo...
Segue abaixo os code do Banco. "Nгo vou postar meu CMD , caso for precise fale".
pawn Код:
// Process the transfer option (player entered the name of the other player who must receive the money)
Dialog_BankTransferName(playerid, response, inputtext[])
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked "Cancel"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new file[100], File:BFile, LineForFile[100], ReceiverName[24], SenderName[24], Msg[128];
new OtherPlayer, Day, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, Second, sDay[3], sMonth[3], sYear[5], sHour[3], sMinute[3];
// Get the playername of the sender (the player who executes the transfer)
format(SenderName, sizeof(SenderName), APlayerData[playerid][PlayerName]);
// Check if there is a text entered
if (strlen(inputtext) == 0)
// Let the player know he must enter a playername or playerid into the input field
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "{FFFF00}[ERRO] {FF0000}Vocк precisa digitar o Nick ou o ID do jogador.");
return 1;
// Try to convert the given playername OR playerid to a playerid
sscanf(inputtext, "u", OtherPlayer);
// Check if an online player was found by sscanf
if (OtherPlayer != INVALID_PLAYER_ID)
// Check if that other player is online (use online bank-transfer)
if (APlayerData[OtherPlayer][LoggedIn] == true)
format(ReceiverName, sizeof(ReceiverName), APlayerData[OtherPlayer][PlayerName]); // Get the playername of the receiver
format(file, sizeof(file), BankFile, ReceiverName); // Construct the complete filename for the receiver's bank-account
// Check if the receiver has a bank account
if (fexist(file))
// Transfer the money from your bank account to the other player's bank account
APlayerData[OtherPlayer][BankMoney] = APlayerData[OtherPlayer][BankMoney] + APlayerData[playerid][UseMoney];
// Take the money away from your own bank account
APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney] = APlayerData[playerid][BankMoney] - APlayerData[playerid][UseMoney];
// Save both bank accounts
// Inform the receiver that money was transferred to his bank account
format(Msg, 128, "{FFFF00}[INFO] {079100}Sua conta bancбria tem recebido uma transferкncia de R$%i recebida de \"%s\"", APlayerData[playerid][UseMoney], SenderName);
SendClientMessage(OtherPlayer, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// Inform the sender that money was transferred from his bank account to the receiver
format(Msg, 128, "{FFFF00}[INFO] {079100}Vocк transferiu R$%i para a conta bancбria de \"%s\"", APlayerData[playerid][UseMoney], ReceiverName);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// Exit the function (bank transfer was completed), skipping offline transfer
return 1;
else // The target player is online, but has no bank account
format(Msg, 128, "{FFFF00}[ERRO] {FF0000}O jogador %s estб online, e nгo possui uma conta bancбria.", inputtext);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// Exit the function (bank transfer failed as the target player has no bank account), skipping offline transfer
return 1;
// An online player was found here, but he hasn't logged in yet, so treat him as an offline player
// The rest of the function will be executes to process offline bank transfers