Change Password [dialog help]

Hey guys i have another problem this time with apart of my script that i'm developing

When you click check it closes all dialog and just stops you can't spawn ect
"Codes are generated randomly so there is no chance of somone getting the same code"

pawn Код:
if(dialogid == DIALOG_PASSFORGOT)
            format(string, sizeof(string), "SELECT * FROM `registered` WHERE `username` = '%s' AND `securityid` = '%s'", name, inputtext);
            if(mysql_num_rows() == 0)
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "The security code you've entered doesn't match the one our system have given this account");
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login", "Hello. Please, enter your password for authorization:", "Login", "Forgot?");
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_SECURITYID_CHANGEPASS, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Change Password", "Please enter the password you would like this account to have.", "Change", "Go back");
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, "Login", "Hello. Please, enter your password for authorization:", "Login", "Forgot?");

Hum i'm not sure but, u forget a "!" there, if(response) ?

No i didn't, i for got to add this

Change pass --------------------------------------------------
User Login -> (if selected Forgot?) -> Security Check -> if right ^ else If wrong -> back to login

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