Job help

How can i change job money ?
Exemple : Farmer Job or Bus Driver...
I wanna give much money at this job..I wanna give 1000$,not 50$ ..please ..what can i do ?

Sorry for my bad english

That's a simply function, and you could just use the samp wiki.

PHP код:
Use that instead of
PHP код:

I don`t have GivePlayerMoney(playerid, ...
When i go to OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint , i find SafeGivePlayerMoney..But i don`t know how can i change money...
Please..where is ?

Maybe its

pawn Код:
SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid,SafeGetPlayerMoney(playerid) + Amount);
Search for that "Amount" Var

Look..i use Raven`s Roleplay ... Anyone know how can i change that "Amount" I need urgently to change it ...

Anyone can help me ?please...

As Jumbo said, try to use this:

PHP код:
SafeGivePlayerMoney(playerid,SafeGetPlayerMoney(playerid) + 1000); 

Originally Posted by DonBonanno
Look..i use Raven`s Roleplay ... Anyone know how can i change that "Amount" I need urgently to change it ...
That's exactly your problem, if you do not understand how to change simple things like amount of money given, then why are you even attempting RP scripts? You should learn before you attempt something, after all, Roleplay has been claimed to be the hardest to script, due to all the individual functions. You should have a read through to find out some more about simple functions/native functions, before diving into a RP script, don't run before you can walk buddy.

SA:MP Wiki: Here


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