02.04.2013, 09:58
Последний раз редактировалось Jewell; 23.11.2013 в 12:47.
J L Administration system
Version 1.0
(10900+ lines)
Version 1.0
(10900+ lines)
Updated: April 03 2013
* J.L. Administration system Features
- J.L admin registration/login system was written in Y_INI to get best performance and passwords are Whirlpool hashed to keep passwords secure ( Thanks to ******) .
- User friendly Login/Register system clickable TextDraws. (set #define LoginTextDraw 'false' to disable the Textdraw)
- Advanced user accounts browsing system ( Ingame dialog /account) This system will allow admins to access the user accounts on the
scriptfiles and edit accounts data (Level,Score,cash and everything). - J.L Admin system functions and settings are customizable. Admins can Enable/Disable JLadmin system function from setting.cfg file
or /setting command ingame. - Advanced spectating system is able to spec any virtualworld and Interior. also spectate textdraw will show you spectating player's
details ( such as Health, armour, virtual world, interiror, score and cash ect) - Simple Anti weapon cheat system and admin Immunity protection. add forbidden weapon ids to Illegalweapons.ini file or use /settings ingame.
- Player Statistics saving (score,cash,kills,deaths ratio, registered(IP,Date,Time ), last seen, playing time/secs ect)
- Anti bad words, frobidden names, forbidden part names( See /settings ingame or edit .ini files manually).
- JLadmin system was designed with Very good protection against IP advertisements on main chat.
- Default 6 administrator levels. You can change maximum administrator level from setting.cfg file. (/settings)
- Aka logs saving by IP (Y_INI).
- Crash detect system in Screen messages ( if you type invalid color tags in /announce this system will detect it.).
- Auto game pausers detect system.
- High Level Admins are immune from commands.
- Temporarily ban system.
- Admins can save their skin.
- Auto login system by last logged IP( /autologin to enable/disable).
- Esay and fast Teleport system. (ingame create teleports)
- V.I.P levels (max 3, change #define MaxVipLevel if you want more)
- Ingame RCON console and new RCON commands.
- Detect Players Virtual World changes.
- Logs saving.
- 200 + Commands and 11000 + scripting lines.
- Administrator panel on scoreboard (double click player name).
- + Much more.
- Fixed a my mistake of using foreach.
- Improved the dialogs and commands performance.
- Improved the invalid color tags detect system(Crash detect in GameTextForall/ForPlayer) to find invalid tags and automatically fix them.
(Example: If you typed "/announce Hello~N~ ~World" by accidentally system will fix it to "Hello~N~ World")
The Spec textdraw
The commands
Level 0 - Player commands
- /Register, /Login, /autologin (Enable/Disable autologin system) /Changepass, /report, /Getid, /pm, /admins, /changename
- /Vips, /stats, /info, /pausers, /time, /date
Level 1 - Moderator
- /Setskin, /Myskin, /Useskin, /Stopuseskin, /Goto, /Get, /Warn, /Kick /reports /spec , /specoff, /slap
- /Explode, /Burn, /Clearchat, /cpc(clearplayerchat), /flip, /Fix, /Repair, /Nitro, /apm, /asay, /Showclock
- /Hideclock, /Cal(calculator), /Forbidnames /Tunedcars, /Lock, /Unlock, /Car, /bike, /Heli, /plane, /Vehicle
- /Mute, /Unmute, /Muted, /Jail, /Unjail, /Jailed, /Heal, /Vspec, /Print, /Setcarcolour, /Track, /Vhealth
- /Fixcarint /Spawn, /Disarm, /Frozen, /reconnect, /Forbidweaps, /Weaponids, /Hide, /warned, /acmds or
- /jcmds for commands list. Use '@' for the administrators chat
Level 2 - Adminstrator
- /Setscore, /Setcash, /Givemoney, /Spawncar, /Destroycars, /Givecar, /Settime, /Setweather, /Ban
- /Tempban, /Countdown, /Clearallchat, /aka, /akill, /fixcarint, /Setworld, /Setinterior /Vget, /Jetpack
- /Givejetpack, /Givecar, /Vgoto, /God, /Godcar, /Sethealth, /Setarmour, /Giveweapon, /Getip, /Write
- /respawncars, /Setcolor, /Setmarker, /removebounds, /Setfstyle, /Setname, /Setwanted, /Freeze
- /Unfreeze, /Hideme, /Unhideme, /Screenmessage
Level 3 - Head Adminstrator
- /Givescore, /Giveallcash, /resetscore, /Giveveh, /Setalltime, /Setallweather, /Setallwanted, /Sget
- /Eject, /Force, /Fakechat, /Fakekill, /Move, /Setkills, /Setdeaths, /Crash, /hidename, /Unhidename
- /Giveallweapon, /Announce, /Resetcash, /Warp, /Settempvip, /setskill, /setdrunk, /Hidecar, /Unhidecar
- /setallhealth, /Setallarmour
Level 4 - Global Adminstrator
- /Settemplevel, /Setvip, /Giveallscore, /rangeban, /pmute, /delaka(resetaka), /Setgravity, /Slapall, /Explodeall
- /Burnall, /Healall, /Armourall, /Freezeall, /Unfreezeall, /Setallskin, /Unsetallskin, /Ejectall, /Setallworld
- /Setallinterior, /Muteall, /Unmuteall, /Spam, /Setpass, /Setallcash, /Setallcashback, /Setname2
- /Unban, /Banname, /banip, /Unbanip, /Setping, /Mianchat(enable/disable), /Disarmall, /Gametext, /addforbidname
- /Getall, /serverinfo, /pickup, /delpickup, /object, /Editobject, /Stopedit, /Gotoobject, /delobject, /Createtele(ctele)
Level 5 - Master Adminstrator
- /Setlevel, /Settings, /Account, /Console, /Clearlogs, /Killall, /addforbidpartname, /addfrobweapon, /addbadword
- /Hostname, /Gmtext, /mapname, /Varlist, /clearteles, /reloadteles, /delaccount, /newaccount
- NOTE: Adminstrator Level 5 has access to all commands.
RCON commands
- cmds, admins, achat, announce, pm, asay, getid, warn, warp, aka, delaka, chat, reconnect, unban, banname
/Track player informations
How to use J.L Administration system
♦ How to make yourself administrator
There are tow types of ways to make yourself administrator.
- Ingame
- Connect the server and register an account.
- login as RCON admin.
- Use /setlevel <Your Id> <Level>
- Congratz. now use /jcmds to see your commands.
- Edit account file
- Connect the server and register an account.
- Disconnect.
- Find your account on \scriptfiles\JLadmin\Users\ .ini
- Open your account and change your level Ex: "Level = 6"
- Save your account file."
- Connect the server!"
♦ How to make yourself V.I.P
Exactly Similar ways as make admin.
- Ingame
- Connect the server and register an account.
- Use /setlevel <Your Id> <Level> (You must be level 4+ admin)
- Done. try /vips.
- Edit account file
- Find your account on \scriptfiles\JLadmin\Users\ .ini
- Open your account and change your V.I.P(Donator) level Ex: "Donator = 3"
- Save your account file."
- Connect the server!"
You should use JLadmin include on top of the filterscript you want to use admin Levels.
- #include <JLadmin> include on top of the filterscriptScrpt
- To make a command only for Administrators use: AdminLevel(playerid)
pawn Код:CMD:myadmincommand(playerid,params[])
if(AdminLevel(playerid)) // every administrator can use this command.
//Do something
return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT an Administrator");
- To make a command only for Administrators levels use: AdminLevel(playerid) >= 5 //level
Example: Make a command only for level 5 + Administrators
pawn Код:CMD:myadmincommand(playerid,params[])
if(AdminLevel(playerid) >= 5) //Only level 5+ administrator can use this command.
//Do something
return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT level 5 + an Administrator");
- To make a command only for V.I.P members: pInfo[playerid][Donator] >= 1
pawn Код:CMD:myvipcommand(playerid,params[])
if(pInfo[playerid][Donator] >= 1) // make command for 1 + V.I.P members.
//Do something
return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT an V.I.P member");
As i said. this is exactly similar way how admin levels work in other filterscripts.
- #include <JLadmin> on top of the filterscript you want to use V.I.P levels
- To make a V.I.P command in a another filterscript: pInfo[playerid][Donator] >= 1
pawn Код:CMD:spawnme(playerid,params[])
if(VipLevel(playerid)) // Every V.I.P members can use this command
SpawnPlayer(playerid); // ?
return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT an V.I.P member");
- To make a command only for V.I.P levels use: VipLevel(playerid) >= 2 //Level here.
Example: Make a command only for level 2 + V.I.P
pawn Код:CMD:fakekill(playerid,params[])
if(VipLevel(playerid) >= 2) //Only V.I.P level 2+ members can use this command.
foreach(Player, i)
if (IsPlayerConnected(i))
SendDeathMessage(playerid,i,10); //Don't really do this
return 1;
else return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,"You are NOT an V.I.P level 2 + member");
You only have to change a one line if you want to rename a administrator level or color.
- pawn Код:/*Line 98 to 103*/
#define ADMIN_LEVEL_1 "Moderator"
#define ADMIN_LEVEL_2 "Administrator"
#define ADMIN_LEVEL_3 "Head Administrator"
#define ADMIN_LEVEL_4 "Global Administrator"
#define ADMIN_LEVEL_5 "Master Administrator"
#define ADMIN_LEVEL_6 "Server Owner"pawn Код:/*Line 112 to 118*/
#define LEVEL_1_COLOR "{09F7DF}"
#define LEVEL_2_COLOR "{F2F20D}"
#define LEVEL_3_COLOR "{FF8000}"
#define LEVEL_4_COLOR "{0000FF}"
#define LEVEL_5_COLOR "{00FF1A}"
#define LEVEL_6_COLOR "{FF1A00}"
Account browsing/editing system
♦ Account Editor Options (/account <Name>)
- Rename Account Name.
- Check registered date.
- Check registered IP.
- Check last time loggedin IP.
- Change the administrator level.
- Change the V.I.P level.
- Ban/Unban or Mute/Unmute account.
- Change score, cash, Kills, Deaths, Skin, and playing time ect.
- Check last seen date.
- Change the account password.
Use /settings to ingame access.
- AutoLogin = 1 Enable/Disable auto login system.
- DetectPausers = 1 Detect pauing players and show in /pausers list.
- MustRegister = 0 Player must register if this enabled.
- MaxPing = 8000 Server Max ping allowed
- PmDialog = 1 Private Messages through dialog or command.
- AntiSpam = 1 Enable/Disable anti spam system.
- AntiWeaponHack = 1 Enable/Disable Anti weapon Hack.
- MaxLevels = 6 Maximum administrator level.
- AntiBadWords = 1 Enable/Disable Anti bad words.
- ForbiddenNamesKick = 1 Forbidden Names kick.
- PartNamesKick = 1 Forbidden part nick names kick.
- AntiAdvertisements = 1 Enable/Disable Anti IP advertisements.
- AntiBanEvade = 1 Enable/Disable anti ban evade. (This system will ban the player if changed the IP and loggedin)
- AdminImmunity = 1 Admins protected from anti cheat and systems.
- AdminReadPms = 1 Admins read Private messages.
- AdminReadCmds = 1 Admin read commands.
- AntiCheatbans = 1 Allow anti cheat system to ban cheaters.
- AllowChangeName = 1 Allow Players to change their names.
♦ Recommended Installation
- Download the JLadmin.zip file.
- Unzip the files.
- Copy the JLadmin.amx and JLadmin.pwn to your server filterscripts folder.
- Put the sscanf2, foreach, zcmd and YSI package to pawn/incldes folder or download it from here (if you don't have them).
- Copy the sscanf and Whirlpool plugins to your server plugins folder(if you don't have this plugins).
- Copy the JLadmin folder to your scriptfiles folder (This step is IMPORTANT).
- Open your server.cfg file.
- find the line filterscripts and add 'JLadmin' ( filterscripts JLadmin ).
- find the plugins line and add 'sscanf' and 'Whirlpool' plugins ( plugins Whirlpool sscanf ).
- Save the file.
- Open the JLadmin.pwn file.
- Edit the line 69 "#define WEBSITE "YourWebsiteHere"". and choose your settings.
- Compile.
- Run the server!"
- Download the JLadmin.zip file.
- Unzip the files.
- Copy the JLadmin.amx to your server filterscripts folder.
- Copy the sscanf and Whirlpool plugins to your server plugins folder(if you don't have them).
- Copy the JLadmin folder to your scriptfiles folder (This step is IMPORTANT).
- Open your server.cfg file.
- find the line filterscripts and add 'JLadmin' ( filterscripts JLadmin ).
- find the line plugins and add 'sscanf' and 'Whirlpool' plugins ( plugins Whirlpool sscanf ).
- Save the file.
- Run the server!"
- Me (Jewell) for creating the Script.
- ****** for Y_INI, ssanf2, foreach, and Whirlpool.
- Zeex for zcmd
- Kyosaur for ConvertTime function.
- Some commands and ideas based on other admin scripts.
♦ No bugs found atm!. if you found a bug PM me or reply to this topic.