Originally Posted by Muhammad1
i can't create object
server unknown command
To use the /createobject you have to be logged in as rcon admin. /rcon login yourpassword
Another thing:
I have a question, When I'm creating an object then im trying to /editobject it says:
You are not editing the last object you made.
And it doesn't work, it doesn't edit, or deleting the object.
Another thing:
new EDITOR_QUERY[256];
format(EDITOR_QUERY, sizeof(EDITOR_QUERY), "UPDATE `OBJECTS` SET `X`='%f', `Y`='%f', `Z`='%f', `RX`='%f', `RY`='%f', `RZ`='%f' WHERE `ID`=%d",
It saving to objects.db??
If so , why don't you make system to save to a ini file with X,Y,Z and Objectid
(Easier and works better)
Or is that MySQL?
Cause I dont get why there is updating 'QUERY' and it updates with 'SET' in 'OBJECTS' table?? Explain please how this Filterscript works cause i didn't get it, plus please upload video cause i guess this is needed while its Beta as you said.