[Include] [INC]SimpleFiles - ۞ Save your accounts as easy as never before ۞

nice one men

Originally Posted by Cakeman
Nice one! I've just checked it out but, the weird thing is that it can't compile. I get 7 errors, 6 of these: "array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small" and one "symbol already defined: "strtok". I realize that it says it has strtok already defined, so I placed // in front of the "extra strtok" and my PAWN compiler crashed. The "array sizes do not match..." are caused by the extra strtok, but I really have no idea how to fix it. Do you have maybe any idea on what else could I try to fix up these errors?
Can you show your script?

Originally Posted by Cakeman
Nice one! I've just checked it out but, the weird thing is that it can't compile. I get 7 errors, 6 of these: "array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small" and one "symbol already defined: "strtok". I realize that it says it has strtok already defined, so I placed // in front of the "extra strtok" and my PAWN compiler crashed. The "array sizes do not match..." are caused by the extra strtok, but I really have no idea how to fix it. Do you have maybe any idea on what else could I try to fix up these errors?
its because strtok is already in your include files, uhm i think its dutils, i removed from dutils and got rid of that error

Sorry for Double Post but Topic is old and No-one would see my post if I edit

I'm looking for a download for this?

Link provided doesn't work

Cheers, Tiger


Huh? Why removed.

I have an older version I'll edit it for whats missing... *giving credits aswell* (athough I wont release it)

I don't see download url

can u show us /register /login examples?

There is function to save string. But where is function that deletes string?

Do you realize it's been released like 3 years ago?

Ey guys ... this thread is about 3 years old. How about you let it rest for the moment? I'm pretty sure you could find some new INI, which are alot faster.


Originally Posted by zxasqww8
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Your first post was bumping a two year old thread again? Pathetic.

Originally Posted by CaHbKo
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Do you realize it's been released like 3 years ago?
Hey look I replied here already lool

very good!

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