29.03.2013, 09:04
I have this script
The script above will create a pickups(more than 1 pickup) and 'nRange'(for IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint) will hold the pickups' positions(x,y,z). I have a problem with nRange. It only holds 1 pickup 'nRange'(x,y,z). It should hold more than 1 pickups' range. How to fix it?
pawn Код:
//new Float:nRange[3];
if(!sscanf(string, "p<\">'nitro''posX='f'posY='f'posZ='f",x_,y_,z_))
nitro = CreateDynamicPickup(1239, 1, x_, y_, z_-0.3, world_,interior_, -1, 200.0);
nRange[0] = x_;
nRange[1] = y_;
nRange[2] = z_;