Writing and Displaying Strings From a DB

I am having issues with writing a string to the DB. It also will not display (possibly even load) correctly.

When I write an integer, it works and displays correctly.


That's because cache_get_field requires a max_len, which it cannot properly calculate if the variable is in an enum.

How would I fix this?

Bump. Dump. Trump.

Add a maximum length.... Look at these cache functions (if you're using R8)
pawn Код:
// Cache functions.
native cache_get_data(&num_rows, &num_fields, connectionHandle = 1);
native cache_get_field(field_index, destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination));
native cache_get_row(row, idx, destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination));
native cache_get_row_int(row, idx, connectionHandle = 1);
native Float:cache_get_row_float(row, idx, connectionHandle = 1);
native cache_get_field_content(row, const field_name[], destination[], connectionHandle = 1, max_len=sizeof(destination));
native cache_get_field_int(row, const field_name[], connectionHandle = 1);
native Float:cache_get_field_float(row, const field_name[], connectionHandle = 1);

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