27.03.2013, 12:20
Last edited by virusa1; 13/04/2013 at 09:06 PM.
Well. This is a farmer job. Here you can harvest and get payed 300$. This is an option or you can
share products with other farms and get payed 2000$.
Comments are welcomed

You can download my filterscript here:
Version 1.0
Version 1.1
Some ScreenSavershttp://www.upload.ee/files/3183920/FarmerJob.zip.html
Version 1.1

-New Changes-
-When you leave vehicle it destroys all checkpoints(cancel mission) and it shows you a textdraw "Mission Failed"
-You can quit the job using /quitjob.
-You cant go to checkpoint on foot.
Note: There might be some mistakes.. Notice me if there are some.. More updates will come soon