SQLite DB problems

I uploaded some sqlite DBs (*.db files) through FTP into my online server's `filterscripts` folder (Windows sa-mp server, on my local computer Windows too). Game mode added some data into DBs with db_query( db_link, "INSERT INTO ..." );. So i downloaded these DB files back on my computer and can't open/edit any of them.

SQLite Administrator shows message box "qAdmin: Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset." SQLite Maestro shows message box "SQL Error: library routine called out of sequence"

If data was added to DBs by my local windows server, DB files still can be edited properly.

Any ideas?

You mean properly usage of db_close ? I checked 3 GMs. First open DB into OnGameModeInit and db_close it into OnGameModeExit. Second opens and closes DB after each query. Third opens DB file into main() and has no db_close. Still one result - can't open DB file after downloading it back to my computer.

yea, but "open problem" i saw in any of these cases

In any way even if i closes DB files remotely properly, this problem is still here.

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