OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP not called

Hey guys,
I am using incognito's streamer.
Everything is being created. The dynamic CPs do show up, but once I enter them, OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP is not called. I tried printing in OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP, but it didn't do a thing.
Did I miss something?
I also tried: TogglePlayerAllDynamicCPs(playerid, 1);, didn't work.

Show us the codes from CP creation and OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP.

npc[i][cp] = CreateDynamicCP(npc[i][npcpos][0] + 1.0 * floatcos(220 + npc[playerid][npcpos][3], degrees), npc[i][npcpos][1] + 1.0 * floatsin(220 + npc[i][npcpos][3], degrees), npc[i][npcpos][2] - 1, 1.0, 0, 0, -1, 8.0);

This just puts the CP in front of the npc. Nothing special. It does shop up.

Just when I enter this nothing gets called in the callback: OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP...
not even the first line with print in it...

Do I have to enable something? :\

Call OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP with OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint

then I will have to loop through all the cps..
that shouldn't be normal.
It should be called normally whe you enter a cp..

You sure you have your VW and Interior right ?

0, 0, -1

This can cause problems sometimes.

Additionally I wrote a include to avoid all the overhead of having to use OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP() you might find it easier to organize things with my sub-streamer include which allows you to make dynamic macro function calls.


I haven't use dynamic CPs (I script it with my own streamer to get a constant ID), but you can add your checking in OnPlayerEnterCheckPoint at streamer.inc.

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