Looking For Some Help

Hi Guys I Am New To forums But not new to samp Although i played samp roleplay servers for a long time ..I feel That I should Start My Own server Now My Mind Is Blowing with tons of ideas and mappings that I create for fun and Now I want to use them in my own server..Well As Start I am a Noob In Pawn I cannot understand the language I do Understand What Is Going to happen But I dont Understand Things Like ZCMD and those kind of things .. So I am Intrested in Either Buying a gamemode or Having a a Help of a Profesional scripter So my questions are
1:How much would a good roleplay gamemode script will cost??
2:Is there anyone willing to teach me some basic stuff??
Thanks Guys

A gamemode can cost from 10 dollars to hundreds of dollars

I Understand..Can you atleast tell me where to start as I am very confused right now.. I used to create maps and Now I want to use them ..I want a good roleplay server But i dont know where to start from ..Need help haha XD

Add me on skype and i will help you...
skype: mikailtheonlyone

Like the Comment said above a Good script would cost around $$50 - 75 for the script then and you need any tips on Roleplaying , PM ME

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