17.03.2013, 04:04
Последний раз редактировалось rangerxxll; 09.03.2014 в 19:47.
[CENTER]Note: This is a Windows only Version. The Linux Version version can be found Here

~Server Features~
- 6 Gangs to choose from. Grove, Biker, Yakuza, Mafia, Homeless, and Mexicans.
- Each gang has their own color. Such as text color, gang zone color, etc.
-Custom Base Mapping-
- Each Gang also has custom mapping for their base.
-Radio Streaming System-
- 3 Genre's to choose from. Metal, Rock, and Dubstep.
- Easy to add more stations. Code is organized, and readable.
-Shopping System-
-/shop System to spend your hard-earned money.-
- Lots of stuff to buy, ranging from armor, to weapons, and also ammunition.
- Easy to add more. No need to struggle with hard-to read code.
- Effectiveness. You can't abuse the medical kit or armor. Only get it once per death.
-Introducing Urban's unique Talent System (Beta)-
- 8 Talents to choose from. Want to play defensively? Go for it. Want to go on a all-out killing-spree? Sure.
- 1. Tank Talent (You will spawn with 130 health instead of 100. Efficient for taking damage.)
- 2. Gold'Digga (You will receive twice the rewards upon killing an enemy. Kick-ass for power leveling.)
- 3. Bandoleer (Plan on camping at the enemies base? Might as well bring extra ammunition. Lets you hold an extra 250 ammo for your main weapon.)
- 4. Vengeance (Not that good of a shooter, but still want to win? Create a explosion when you die, lighting enemies on fire.)
- 5. Stealth (Want to be a professional Sniper Assassin? Heh, sure. Allows you to be hidden completely from other players.)
- 6. Second Chance (One of my favorites. Allows you to spawn at your death location. Only works every 2 deaths.)
- 7. Regeneration (Want to take a more defensive approach? This is for you. Allows you to regenerate a certain amount of health.)
- 8. Berserk (My personal favorite. Allows you to deal an extra 75% Weapon Damage. The highest level talent available. Note: There's a catch.
-Urban Administration System-
- A organized, self-coded Administration System.
- Effective. You won't have any problems.
- thoroughly tested. Bugs be gone.
- Lots of commands. You should have everything you need.
-Automatic Team Gates-
- I wanted to try something new instead of spawn protection. So we made secured bases.
~Official ChangeLog of Urban: Gang-Wars~

~Server Video~
~Server Features~
- 6 Gangs to choose from. Grove, Biker, Yakuza, Mafia, Homeless, and Mexicans.
- Each gang has their own color. Such as text color, gang zone color, etc.
-Custom Base Mapping-
- Each Gang also has custom mapping for their base.
-Radio Streaming System-
- 3 Genre's to choose from. Metal, Rock, and Dubstep.
- Easy to add more stations. Code is organized, and readable.
-Shopping System-
-/shop System to spend your hard-earned money.-
- Lots of stuff to buy, ranging from armor, to weapons, and also ammunition.
- Easy to add more. No need to struggle with hard-to read code.
- Effectiveness. You can't abuse the medical kit or armor. Only get it once per death.
-Introducing Urban's unique Talent System (Beta)-
- 8 Talents to choose from. Want to play defensively? Go for it. Want to go on a all-out killing-spree? Sure.
- 1. Tank Talent (You will spawn with 130 health instead of 100. Efficient for taking damage.)
- 2. Gold'Digga (You will receive twice the rewards upon killing an enemy. Kick-ass for power leveling.)
- 3. Bandoleer (Plan on camping at the enemies base? Might as well bring extra ammunition. Lets you hold an extra 250 ammo for your main weapon.)
- 4. Vengeance (Not that good of a shooter, but still want to win? Create a explosion when you die, lighting enemies on fire.)
- 5. Stealth (Want to be a professional Sniper Assassin? Heh, sure. Allows you to be hidden completely from other players.)
- 6. Second Chance (One of my favorites. Allows you to spawn at your death location. Only works every 2 deaths.)
- 7. Regeneration (Want to take a more defensive approach? This is for you. Allows you to regenerate a certain amount of health.)
- 8. Berserk (My personal favorite. Allows you to deal an extra 75% Weapon Damage. The highest level talent available. Note: There's a catch.

-Urban Administration System-
- A organized, self-coded Administration System.
- Effective. You won't have any problems.
- thoroughly tested. Bugs be gone.
- Lots of commands. You should have everything you need.
-Automatic Team Gates-
- I wanted to try something new instead of spawn protection. So we made secured bases.
~Official ChangeLog of Urban: Gang-Wars~
3/1/13 - Team System implemented 3/1/13 - Two test bases created (Will be removed soon, as we have plans to map a new one. 3/1/13 - Team automatic gates added to prevent Spawn Killing. 3/5/13 - Gang zones added. 3/5/13 - New register system added. 3/5/13 - Specific fight styles for every team 3/5/13 - Register system & administration system added to a filterscript. More organization. 3/5/13 - A lot has been done. Progress up to 55% 3/5/13 - Automatic gates removed. 3/5/13 - 4 administration levels added. Moderator, General Admin, Senior Admin, Server Owner. 3/5/13 - Mapped bases added. 3/5/13 - /ahelp implemented for administrators. 3/5/13 - Finished scripting our new, fully functional Urban Administration System (v1.00 Beta) 3/5/13 - Script completion increased by 10%. 3/7/13 - Automatic gates re-added! 3/7/13 - /help for players added! 3/7/13 - Talent system added! 3/8/13 - Progress increased by 5% 3/8/13 - New Talent has been added. "Second Chance" If you're interested in this Talent, please contact a Administrator to reset your Talent. 3/8/13 - Fixed /ip for admins. Added /check for administrators. (Grabs the players stats.) 3/8/13 - Fixed the Stealth Talent. You will now be invisible on the radar whilst using this. 3/8/13 - Reduced Regeneration's health regen from 20 to 10. (Was OP) 3/8/13 - Added /ban for General Administrators. Bye bye hackers. 3/8/13 - Advanced RCON Security. 3/8/13 - /kill implemented as requested. 3/9/13 - Another Talent added. "Gold'Digga" 3/9/13 - Multiple small bug fixes. Progress enhanced by 10% 3/10/13 - Huge update! Turf Wars Added! Two of your gang members must stand in a zone for 80 seconds to capture it! Plan on moving the zones a bit so that when a team spawns it doesn't capture it back so easily. 3/10/13 - /radio fully functional 3/10/13 - Added /updates. 3/10/13 - Bug fixes. 3/10/13 - /givenos added for General Administrators. 3/10/13 - /givenosall added for General Administrators. 3/10/13 When you create a /veh and exit it - it will be destroyed. 3/10/13 - /dveh added. It will destroy any vehicle you're in. 3/10/13 - Multiple bug fixes. 3/10/13 - Progress enhanced by 7%. 3/11/13 - Added /vhelp for VIP's 3/11/13 - Added /varmour for VIP's. (5 min cooldown) 3/11/13 - Added /vskin for VIP's 3/11/13 - Added /vnos for VIP's 3/11/13 - Bronze VIP Commands finished. (For now.) 3/11/13 - If you're a VIP member, you will receive extra cash and score upon killing a enemy. (Different for VIP Ranks. 3/11/13 - /respawncars added for Moderators. 3/11/13 - /vbike added for VIP's 3/11/13 - /vcar added for VIP's 3/11/13 - Script completion status enhanced by 5% 3/11/13 - Multiple bug fixes. 3/12/13 - Bug Fixes 3/12/13 - Anti-Spam added. 3/14/13 - /gethereall added for Senior Administrators. 3/14/13 - Fixed /vskin for VIP's. 3/14/13 - Added a VIP Help Selection in the /help command. 3/14/13 - Reduced the /vgod cooldown to 2 minutes instead of 15. 3/14/13 - Added /tveh and /veh for admins. /tveh is for a temporary vehicle which will be destroyed when you exit it. 3/14/13 - New Talent added. (Bandoleer). 3/14/13 - You now receive 10 score and 5k a kill. With gold'digga you get twice as much. 3/15/13 - Added a /pay command for players. 3/15/13 - Added /vpaint for Silver VIP's. 3/15/13 - Added another hidden Vehicle Repair Station. 3/15/13 - Added /vsay for Gold VIP's. 3/15/13 - Added /asay for Moderators and above. 3/15/13 - Added /ar (Accept Report) for Moderators and Administrators. _____________
- Zeex for ZCMD.
- ****** for sscanf, foreach, and the YSI Library.
- SA_MP Team for a_samp.
- Multiple people who helped on the Forums.
- Luke (Rangerxxll)
- Arathin (Arathin)
- ****** for sscanf, foreach, and the YSI Library.
- SA_MP Team for a_samp.
- Multiple people who helped on the Forums.
- Luke (Rangerxxll)
- Arathin (Arathin)
The latest version of Urban: Gang-Wars will always be available at the link below.
~A message from Urban Gaming Online~
~A message from Urban Gaming Online~
Urban Gaming is designed to release good quality scripts (Guaranteed.) for no cost to you. If you'd like to learn more about Urban Gaming Online, please visit their website which can be found in the link bellow.
After the release of a Game Mode Script, Urban Gaming Online is entitled to fix only "Bugs" that are found. Any suggestions regarding the released mode, will be completely ignored. (But considered for later releases.)
After the release of a Game Mode Script, Urban Gaming Online is entitled to fix only "Bugs" that are found. Any suggestions regarding the released mode, will be completely ignored. (But considered for later releases.)