Someone attemts to rconlogin..

So the thing is basiclly someone wants to hack rcon but in server nobody is in... Maybe you know the ansver..

Add this to your server.cfg file and reboot the server: rcon 0

But the question is why it's showint that message? It worked

Probably someone from outside, trying to hack your rcon (idk how that's possible, but that's probably what's happening).
But since you're not using the rcon anymore, it's not a big problem anymore.

Just it's intresting who whats to do that and why.
And if I do range ban..

It could help me get rid of that guy who is trying to do that (for some time)?

Only if he isnt using some proxy or something!

And how the F he could get to my server from out side.. If I'm sitting trough router..

+ thats only port who is open! Sorry for double post!

There's a file called rcon.exe which comes with each SA:MP client download. It's used to gain RCON access to a server w/o being in it. That's how the person is attempting to connect to your RCON.

Generally banning the IP would do the trick!

Ohh okay Thanks for advice

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