"Unknown Command" when server reaches close to 20 players?

I'm having a big problem, the server commands won't work when there is around 20 players, no commands work at all.

When connecting it is supposed to have a welcome message, asking to register or to login...

Normally it works fine, but once it gets close to 20 players, it stops working, the first few players to join, maybe the first 10 players in the server can use all commands, but the rest cant use any commands at all

What could be causing this?

CPU usage is 2- 4%

Dunno what the hell is going on

wow, i aint herd of that problem before :S

have you got return 1; at the end of ALL your commands?

I guess it's just some buffer overflow in your script.

yeah, all of them are fine, its only once the server gets to around 20 or more players.. it starts going tits up


Buffer overflow?

Whats this and how could it be fixed?

pawn Code:
#pragma dynamic 10000

Thanks crackman, but what would that do

this problem doesn't seem very common, does anyone know the possible cause, and how it could be fixed?


maybe your dedicated server is not use to people, or your bandwidth, its a rare problem so we could not say what causes it ?

To me its kinda of common problem when scripting because it can be caused by anything

for example

if you type a command like

pawn Code:
/mycmd 1111111111111111
that will some times cause this problem

then when you get a error saying unknown command all your commands stop working
untill you restart the server

so when you type a valid command it wont work

that isn't what's happening, normally the player receives a welcome message saying to either login or register.

In not sure exactly how many players must be in for this to happen, but let's say its 20.

So the 21st player and any after will not see the welcome message, and all commands return "Unknown Command" just for that player. This happens to every player who joins after the 20 mark.

If some players leave, and thers is less than 20 players, the ones who couldn't use commands still can't use them, but the ones connecting when there is less than 20 will have no problems.

Could anyone discribe to me why this happens, what kind if things may cause it, and how it could be fixed.

I'm certain this problem is script related.


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