Foreach possible bug?

pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <foreach>

#define A       10
#define B       5
new Iterator:Foo[A]<B>;

main() {
    for(new i = 0; i != A; ++i) {
        for(new j = 0; j != B; ++j) {
            Iter_Add(Foo[i], j);
Am I missing something, or it really is a bug when there is less slots than array elements (accessing over upper boundary)?

Weird stuff, I just looked at the foreach include and found a macro that isn't mentioned in the foreach thread. You're probably suppose to use IteratorArray when you declare multi-dimensional iterators. I think it might be a mistake on ******'s part, so you should go and report this in the foreach thread.

I noticed a similar issue in my own code. When defining the iterator, I just add 1 to the numbers in the array.

So for example, doing this:

pawn Код:
new Iterator:PlayerVehicles[MAX_PLAYERS+1]<MAX_VEHICLES+1>;

@RealCop228 I don't think that fixes the problem. You should use:
new IteratorArray:PlayerVehicles[MAX_PLAYERS]<MAX_VEHICLES>;

It worked for me, YJIET...

Yep, found it in source as well. Works just fine (I mean the IteratorArray "tag")

Okay, it looks like the "Array index out of bounds" error occurs only when the first dimension is larger than the second dimension.

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