12.03.2013, 16:14
First of all, thank you for even reading this.
Alright, so I've made a house system and now I'm working on a rent and unrent command.
On my rent command when a player's rents a house he will respawn INSIDE it everytime he spawns/respawns.
Everything is working perfectly, just.. when I try to exit the house it just does nothing.
The code:
The OnPlayerSpawn code:
The OnPlayerKeyStateChange callback:
Any ideas why it does not get that I am in a house?
Thank you in advance.
Alright, so I've made a house system and now I'm working on a rent and unrent command.
On my rent command when a player's rents a house he will respawn INSIDE it everytime he spawns/respawns.
Everything is working perfectly, just.. when I try to exit the house it just does nothing.
The code:
The OnPlayerSpawn code:
pawn Код:
GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
format(file, sizeof(file), "Users/%s.ini", name);
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Rented] == 1)
format(file, sizeof(file), "Houses/House_%d.ini", PlayerInfo[playerid][RentedHouseID]);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, HouseInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][RentedHouseID]][ExitX], HouseInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][RentedHouseID]][ExitY], HouseInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][RentedHouseID]][ExitZ]);
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, HouseInfo[PlayerInfo[playerid][RentedHouseID]][VWorld]);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, dini_Int(file, "InteriorID"));
InHouse[playerid] = true;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if ((newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ) && !(oldkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK ))
if(HouseID != -1)
if(InHouse[playerid] == false)
format(file, sizeof(file), "Houses/House_%d.ini", HouseID);
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 0.5, dini_Float(file, "EnterX"), dini_Float(file, "EnterY"), dini_Float(file, "EnterZ")))
SetPlayerPos(playerid, dini_Float(file, "ExitX"), dini_Float(file, "ExitY"), dini_Float(file, "ExitZ"));
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, HouseID);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, dini_Int(file, "InteriorID"));
InHouse[playerid] = true;
format(file, sizeof(file), "Houses/House_%d.ini", HouseID);
if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 0.5, dini_Float(file, "ExitX"), dini_Float(file, "ExitY"), dini_Float(file, "ExitZ"))) return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "ERROR: You are not close to the house door.");
SetPlayerPos(playerid, dini_Float(file, "EnterX"), dini_Float(file, "EnterY"), dini_Float(file, "EnterZ"));
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
InHouse[playerid] = false;
return 1;
Thank you in advance.