[GameMode] [IDEAS] US Military Deathmatch.

Well i am making a gamemode, and i would like to release it to the comunity when it is
finished. So basicly i am puting a IDEAS thread, were you can request any thing you want in the script.

Implimented Features.

KEY : Feature - Percentage complete.
  • Spawn - 60% - at Area 51
  • Vehicles - 30% - Mostly Army vehicles.
  • Teams - 9% - French Army VS US Miltary VS British Marines
  • Usser Control Pannel - 57% - login to your control pannel with a password!
  • Rank System - 0% - Every 50 kills you get ranked up. (50 ranks to achive!)
  • Anti spawn kill - 0% - Cant kill people if they are withing 50m of Spawn.
  • Capture System - 0% - Teams can capture a certain area
  • Team base - 0% - Teams have a cutom base.
  • Admin sytem - 36% - Dynamic admin system.
So if you have any ideas, please tell me!
The script will be released in 1 week from now



Make a rank system, Anti spawn kill, And more


U.S Army vs Wehrmatch

capture zones ,
prototype vehicles.

Administrator System,Clan System,Capture Zones,Reward system(For capturing a zone),Advanced Class System and mostly RANK SYSTEM

More 4-6 Armies


Don't make it just a DM....
Make it so people can vote for a game!!

Capture the Flag (Make it with 3x flag capture ex: flag captured: [0/3])
Tag Team (When i player gets hit, hes out,... the last man standing wins!)

Set a timer that 1 game can take only 30min max! (Players get bored fast...)
1 map can only be played twice in a row

Things like that...

If you need alot of ideas to script/scripting help/mappings,...
Contact me ^_^

"If you have idea problems i feel bad for you son,... But i have 1000 ideas and i gave you one." Jay-Z?
Lol anyway, good luck on the GM you are making.

Thanks for reading!

Nice but Need More Updates , Like Capture Spaces , Prototype Capture Etc..

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