[FilterScript] G2BH Objects [LOAD/SAVE/EDIT]

pawn Code:
/createobj - create object [model]
/deleteobj - delete object [id] <<< the id of the object not 2 confuse with the model
/oedit -edit objects [model | x | y | z | rotx | roty | rotz]


how to save O.o

You should put ID's for the object too.

ummmmm......... Did u copy n paste my script @fitri cuz it automatically saves and loads as u can see.....
@ajam u can change object ids...... arent u seeing
id x y z rotx roty rotz
/oedit -edit objects [model | x | y | z | rotx | roty | rotz]

unless ur talking about attaching a label onto the objects displaying there

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