Tips for Starting a Community

I know that there are a lot of you out there that wishes to develop a place of your own. The only issue you're dealing with is beginning your first step. How do you begin? Where to start? Here's a few tips from personal experiences that you should take into consideration if you have any future plans of starting your own gaming community! Enjoy!

An essential to building a community. A forum must be organized, professional, and most importantly have a great appearance to attract players. On very rare scenarios, free forums can do the trick. However, they don't seem appealing to many players causing a sudden lack of interest. Assure that your forum has the essentials mentioned above.


Another huge essential for communities. When selecting staff, make sure that they're capable of being professional. Trolling, fooling around, or any other inappropriate actions will cause a player database to decrease over time. Implement documentation just for staff only. Include rules, policies, and general guidelines that they must follow on a daily basis. If any of your staff is found guilty of breaking said policies, serious consequences should follow.

Conducting organization will be beneficial to staff and players. Players will be able to search your community with ease, finding what exactly they require. If you plan on having multiple gaming servers, make sure moderators/staff is neatly placed with a proper ranking structure. This should follow for your entire staff team as well. Each server should have it's own section on your forum with documentation posted by assigned staff.

Just a few tips. I know it's not much but I wanted to provide the assistance! Do you have any tips for those interested individuals that has plans for a future gaming community? Reply below and help them out!

Originally Posted by Nickie
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Trolling, fooling around, or any other inappropriate actions will cause a player database to decrease over time.
I learned this the hard way, so that's why I don't screw with players anymore.

Nice topic though.

Very nice topic. It'll help a lot of people.

I like the topic, the writing is very eloquent and it seems very professional. I like it.

Nice.. Hope new community/server owners will consider this.

Thanks for the positive feedback! I'll edit the post later on to include some more info.

Well stated, very informative. What else can you expect from such a post?

Very nice.

Originally Posted by Nickie
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On very rare scenarios, free forums can do the trick.
This. Some servers out there (Quite a few that I know of) are using free forums and they have a huge user database and have a decent amount of players playing everyday. Having a forum is a factor, neatly designed forums is a huge plus to the users even though it's a free hosting. But I must agree that purchasing your own domain is necessary. Sub-domains will shook the shit out of the users (Most if not all).

It's quite good, being professional / having an IQ of more than 80 should do the trick. The best test is when a kid rages and abuses you. How do you respond over it? Most would rage back and ''Fack u gth madafacka'' and that is immature - they are quite not ready. Also, you mentioned factors to start a community, the most important forgotten! The script. I would like to add this: One of my friend has a fantastically awesome script, with even damn GTA 4 styled maps and stock markets, etc. But his english being bad, all ClientMessages are bad in Grammar like ''U has buyed these' and so on. I think - be your script awesome, it's still the user interaction players look out for. Be professional in the messages/output.

This is usless, but you're in off topiic so it's valid :P.

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