[GameMode] Urban Minigames: Revision (FIXED FOR LINUX)

Note : This is a re-release as the old one did not work with Linux and people had errors with it constantly this should fix many errors and crashing on Linux.
- Arathin

- Fully working Administration System.
- Working VIP System.
- Working "Cookies" System. (Later explained.)
- Multiple Game Modes to choose from. Ranging from Parkour to Death Match.
- Saving system. It saves all your stats.
- More features of course, I just can't remember all of them at the moment.
- Beta Tester System
- Account Saving.
- Radio System (Pre-added tracks.)

Cookies System
This system is a type of reward, given to a player for good deeds. If you spot a player doing something nice/good, etc - You can then use /givecookie on the player. A player needs at least one cookie in order to open the /cshop (Cookie Shop.) where he can then buy temporary VIP, Armor and health. (I'm still deciding if I should keep this updated.)

Administration System
The game-mode uses a self-scripted Administration System. It has around 50 Administrator Commands available, and it also includes a Admin Chat. (/a) There are 4 Administrator Levels. Each level offers different commands - which are appropriate for the current level.

VIP System
The game-mode also offers a working VIP System. There are 3 levels of VIP available. And these are Bronze VIP, Silver VIP, and Gold VIP. VIP's have access to a special /v(ip chat. And they also receive a special choice when in the /locker menu - which is only available to VIP's.

Beta Testing System
I created this when I was testing the game-mode with multiple friends. The only real thing they have is /b(eta) for the beta chat. You can remove this if you wish, it's nothing fancy. I couldn't really decide what else to add for this system when I was developing it.

Other Information
To make yourself an Administrator, just log-in to the game, create a account, and use /rcon login changeme. Then use the command /setadmin to make yourself a Administrator. /help for all the Admin Commands.

Another cool feature I forgot, is the /bug and /sug commands. These are for submitted /bug(s), and giving /sug(estions.) They'll save in a log, which is located in the userfiles.

And as we have said, this our first Game Mode release - And I still am quite new to Scripting.

- Few minor bugs fixed.
- Grammatical errors corrected.
- New map added for Death Match. (Italy Death Match)

- Added a few more random messages for convenience.
- Added a message; If a player is muted upon logging in, he will receive a notification to /paymute. (assuming he has 3000$ )
- Message for vip players upon logging in.
- Removed /ah, and replaced it with a Administrator section in /help. 
02/25/13 - If a player has 3 warnings they will now get kicked instead of banned.
02/25/13 - VIP's now spawn with 120 health instead of 100.
02/25/13 - VIP Help Menu in /help added.
02/25/13 - /warn now requires 3 warns instead of 4.
02/26/13 - Removed spawn armour. Armour now comes with the packages in /locker. Higher tier packages = Higher armour.
02/26/13 - The Sniper Package now gives a Desert Eagle instead of a 9mm
02/26/13 - /check added for level 2 Administrators.
02/26/13 - You can no longer /paymute without 3000$.
02/26/13 - Added /resetweapons for level 2 administrators.
02/26/13 - Finally got done adding /radio. Use it to listen to music!
02/26/13 - Added 5 more tracks for the Metal genre.
02/26/13 - Fixed the Temp-VIP time, now lasts 15 minutes.
02/27/13 - Added /changepass to the register/log-in system so you can now change your password as you wish.
02/27/13 - Fixed /askin for Admins, you can now type /askin after applying the Admin skin to revert to your old skin!
02/27/13 - Instead of Admin, your actual Administrator rank will display when you chat.
02/27/13 - Added a 15 second timer to /report.
02/27/13 - Removed /cookiehelp. You can view the help via /help command.
02/27/13 - Extended to text string to 175 instead of 128.
02/28/13 - Added back buttons for the /radio dialog. More convenient.
Zeex for Zcmd.
****** for sscanf, and Y_INI, and foreach.
Incognito for Streamer Plugin v2.6.1

Download Link

Notice : We are no longer working on this Game-Mode as we are now working on another one!
You can get a sneak peak of it at, However we will still be fixing any bugs
you guys find and post on here as a comment. Or you can post the bug on our forums under the
Urban Minigames section! http://www.urbangamingonline.tk

The Game mode is finished and you can now download it here!


Great work!

Thank you kindly, We simply had to fix this. With so many positive comments on the release before, Luke and I decided we should put effort into repairing it for Linux and Letting everyone be able to use it.

Nice Work!

wao nice work man...

Thank you all kindly! I forgot to add the YSI files to script files so that you could compile it so you may have to re-download it haha sorry about that the download link is already updated.

i like it..

This Version is For Linux ? Guys?

Yes it is haha it works perfectly for linux

great work man 10/10

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