07.03.2013, 04:09
Последний раз редактировалось arathin; 17.03.2013 в 04:53.
Note : This is a re-release as the old one did not work with Linux and people had errors with it constantly this should fix many errors and crashing on Linux.
- Arathin

- Arathin

- Fully working Administration System.
- Working VIP System.
- Working "Cookies" System. (Later explained.)
- Multiple Game Modes to choose from. Ranging from Parkour to Death Match.
- Saving system. It saves all your stats.
- More features of course, I just can't remember all of them at the moment.
- Beta Tester System
- Account Saving.
- Radio System (Pre-added tracks.)
Cookies System
This system is a type of reward, given to a player for good deeds. If you spot a player doing something nice/good, etc - You can then use /givecookie on the player. A player needs at least one cookie in order to open the /cshop (Cookie Shop.) where he can then buy temporary VIP, Armor and health. (I'm still deciding if I should keep this updated.)
Administration System
The game-mode uses a self-scripted Administration System. It has around 50 Administrator Commands available, and it also includes a Admin Chat. (/a) There are 4 Administrator Levels. Each level offers different commands - which are appropriate for the current level.
VIP System
The game-mode also offers a working VIP System. There are 3 levels of VIP available. And these are Bronze VIP, Silver VIP, and Gold VIP. VIP's have access to a special /v(ip chat. And they also receive a special choice when in the /locker menu - which is only available to VIP's.
Beta Testing System
I created this when I was testing the game-mode with multiple friends. The only real thing they have is /b(eta) for the beta chat. You can remove this if you wish, it's nothing fancy. I couldn't really decide what else to add for this system when I was developing it.
Other Information
To make yourself an Administrator, just log-in to the game, create a account, and use /rcon login changeme. Then use the command /setadmin to make yourself a Administrator. /help for all the Admin Commands.
Another cool feature I forgot, is the /bug and /sug commands. These are for submitted /bug(s), and giving /sug(estions.) They'll save in a log, which is located in the userfiles.
And as we have said, this our first Game Mode release - And I still am quite new to Scripting.
2/10/13 - Few minor bugs fixed. - Grammatical errors corrected. - New map added for Death Match. (Italy Death Match) 2/25/13 - Added a few more random messages for convenience. - Added a message; If a player is muted upon logging in, he will receive a notification to /paymute. (assuming he has 3000$ ) - Message for vip players upon logging in. - Removed /ah, and replaced it with a Administrator section in /help.
2/28/13 HUGE UPDATE 02/25/13 - If a player has 3 warnings they will now get kicked instead of banned. 02/25/13 - VIP's now spawn with 120 health instead of 100. 02/25/13 - VIP Help Menu in /help added. 02/25/13 - /warn now requires 3 warns instead of 4. 02/26/13 - Removed spawn armour. Armour now comes with the packages in /locker. Higher tier packages = Higher armour. 02/26/13 - The Sniper Package now gives a Desert Eagle instead of a 9mm 02/26/13 - /check added for level 2 Administrators. 02/26/13 - You can no longer /paymute without 3000$. 02/26/13 - Added /resetweapons for level 2 administrators. 02/26/13 - Finally got done adding /radio. Use it to listen to music! 02/26/13 - Added 5 more tracks for the Metal genre. 02/26/13 - Fixed the Temp-VIP time, now lasts 15 minutes. 02/27/13 - Added /changepass to the register/log-in system so you can now change your password as you wish. 02/27/13 - Fixed /askin for Admins, you can now type /askin after applying the Admin skin to revert to your old skin! 02/27/13 - Instead of Admin, your actual Administrator rank will display when you chat. 02/27/13 - Added a 15 second timer to /report. 02/27/13 - Removed /cookiehelp. You can view the help via /help command. 02/27/13 - Extended to text string to 175 instead of 128. 02/28/13 - Added back buttons for the /radio dialog. More convenient.
Zeex for Zcmd.
****** for sscanf, and Y_INI, and foreach.
Incognito for Streamer Plugin v2.6.1
Download Link
Notice : We are no longer working on this Game-Mode as we are now working on another one!
You can get a sneak peak of it at, However we will still be fixing any bugs
you guys find and post on here as a comment. Or you can post the bug on our forums under the
Urban Minigames section! http://www.urbangamingonline.tk
The Game mode is finished and you can now download it here!