Loading all data from the table

hello, i tried a query to load all the houses on OnGameModeInit with this query:

SELECT * FROM `house`
and this is the code to actually process the query and make the houses:

pawn Код:
public OnHousesLoaded()
    new rows, fields;
    cache_get_data(rows, fields, Gconnection);

    if(rows) {

        new owner[24], Intname[100], X[50], Y[50], Z[50], SQL[50], create;
        cache_get_row(0, 1, owner);
        cache_get_row(0, 3, Intname);
        cache_get_row(0, 5, X);
        cache_get_row(0, 6, Y);
        cache_get_row(0, 7, Z);
        cache_get_row(0, 0, SQL);

        create = HouseCreate(owner, Intname, floatstr(X), floatstr(Y), floatstr(Z));
        HouseInfo[create][SqlID] = strval(SQL);
        print(" it's 'loaded'");

        printf("%s %s %f %f %f %d", owner, Intname, floatstr(X), floatstr(Y), floatstr(Z), strval(SQL));
    return 1;
It only loads the first row in the database.. I tried using a while loop but then it spammed loading the same thing.

You need to free the result at the end of your query.

R7 automatically free's the result. Also adding it in manually does no change.

pawn Код:
public OnHousesLoaded()
    new rows, fields;
    cache_get_data(rows, fields, Gconnection);

    if(rows) {
        for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        new owner[24], Intname[100], X[50], Y[50], Z[50], SQL[50], create;
        cache_get_row(i, 1, owner);
        cache_get_row(i, 3, Intname);
        cache_get_row(i, 5, X);
        cache_get_row(i, 6, Y);
        cache_get_row(i, 7, Z);
        cache_get_row(i, 0, SQL);

        create = HouseCreate(owner, Intname, floatstr(X), floatstr(Y), floatstr(Z));
        HouseInfo[create][SqlID] = strval(SQL);
        print(" it's 'loaded'");

        printf("%s %s %f %f %f %d", owner, Intname, floatstr(X), floatstr(Y), floatstr(Z), strval(SQL));
    return 1;
rows gives you the number of rows back. So you can loop through them with a for loop, or a while, but you have to keep track of which rows you have done already.

Too late.


Originally Posted by mamorunl
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pawn Код:
public OnHousesLoaded()
    new rows, fields;
    cache_get_data(rows, fields, Gconnection);

    if(rows) {
        for(new i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
        new owner[24], Intname[100], X[50], Y[50], Z[50], SQL[50], create;
        cache_get_row(i, 1, owner);
        cache_get_row(i, 3, Intname);
        cache_get_row(i, 5, X);
        cache_get_row(i, 6, Y);
        cache_get_row(i, 7, Z);
        cache_get_row(i, 0, SQL);

        create = HouseCreate(owner, Intname, floatstr(X), floatstr(Y), floatstr(Z));
        HouseInfo[create][SqlID] = strval(SQL);
        print(" it's 'loaded'");

        printf("%s %s %f %f %f %d", owner, Intname, floatstr(X), floatstr(Y), floatstr(Z), strval(SQL));
    return 1;
rows gives you the number of rows back. So you can loop through them with a for loop, or a while, but you have to keep track of which rows you have done already.
Thanks, it's exactly what I did basically but only with a while loop +rap'ed
Originally Posted by Mr_DjolE
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Too late.

You should of kept your code, for your efforts I would have given you 2 rep.. I'll give you the rep anyways :P

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