MySQL Server Crash

Hi guys,

I have a big problem with my Script, a godfather-edit.
A few weeks ago I changed from .ini to MySQL with BlueG's mysql-Plugin.

There were a few problems, especially becouse I used unthreaded querys,
so I decided to work with the R7 Plugin and it works fine. BUT:

Sometimes, when I disconnect from my Server, the whole SAMP-Server crashes.
I debugged as good as I can and I think the reason is mysql_query or too large Arrays.

I thought that there was a bug in the Plugin, so I downloaded the new R15-Plugin
from the ******-Project-Page. I got a few errors: (Sorry, I'm from German,
I hope you can understand the Errors)

(MSVCR110.dll was missing)

(MSVCP110.dll was missing)

(Could not locate the procedure entry point __ crtCreateSymbolicLinkW in dynamic link library MSVCR110.dll)

After I downloaded the 2 .dll-Files, I copied them into the SAMP-Server-directory.
The first two errors I could fix, but the third Error not.

I tried to ****** around, nothing works, I installed the Microsofort C++ 2012 Redistributable (x64) (I have a 64-bit-windows-operating-system, but it didn't work.

I hope you guys could help me, if you need more information, the code, for example,
I will post, so I hope you can help me.


Do not download random DLL files from obscure websites. Did you download them from here?

If the x64 version doesn't work then also try the x86 version. The files should reside in the System32 directory.

Page where I downloaded all needed .dll-files:
Uninstalling the x64-Version (Redistributable) and installing
the x86-Version didn't help.

The 'old' files - msvcr100.dll and msvcp100.dll exist in the system32 directory
and sysWOW64. The newer files - msvcr110.dll and msvcp110.dll only exist
in the server directory at the moment. I read that if I have the 64-bit-operating-system,
then I had to put the new .dll-Files in both directories - sysWOW64 and system32.

Is this true?

Am I allowed to push the thread after a few hours?

I need help, please, it's very important :/

My server is still crashing with the old plugin and the new one doesn't work.
I need a solution for my problem, please, help me, I don't know what to do..

One of the downloaded .dll-Files was broken,
so I tried another and it works.


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