help with /wantedlist command

ok i want to make a command that when you use it, it shows a list of all wanted players (wanted level above 0).
can someone help? no idea where to start.

Little bored tonight but this command is basic logic just looping to get all players current level.

pawn Код:
for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i ++)
    if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(i) >= 1)
      // This player is wanted
Once you determined it you could probably just format it all into a nice looking string.

Here you go
A full working /wantedlist command.
pawn Код:
dcmd_wantedlist(playerid,params[]) {
  #pragma unused params
  new wantedmates, string[64];
  new playername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];

  for(new i=0;i<MAX_PLAYERS;i++)
    if(GetPlayerWantedLevel(i) >= 1)
      if(wantedmates == 0)
         SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_COLOR, "* List of players which are currently wanted:");
        wantedmates = 1;
      GetPlayerName(i, playername, sizeof(playername));
      format(string, sizeof(string), "* %s (id: %d) is currently wanted.", playername,i);
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_COLOR, string);
  if(wantedmates == 0)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_COLOR, "* No one is currently wanted.");
  return 1;
NOTE: you need dcmd for this.

i have dccmd.

i put this into OnPlayerCmd:

i put the code somewhere, and i get error:
error 017: undefined symbol "params"

than you havent defined dcmd?

pawn Код:
#define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if ((strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) == 0) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 0) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, "")))||(((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 32) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, (%3)[(%2) + 2]))))) return 1

i did define, its in my gamemode.

if you placed my command and:
dcmd(wantedlist,10,cmdtext); At OnPlayerCommandText, it should not go wrong..

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