About timers

Hello, I was just wondering if anyone of you could explain if I should use SetTimer or SetTimerEx and why? I am making a death system and later on a level system but I want the method that gives the least lag.. And under which callback should I put it or should it exist in the timers callback?

It depends on your situation. Usually you use timers to check something periodically, but you don't want to put it in OnPlayerUpdate, or to delay some action.

Well my death system works like this: When the player dies the position is saved and a variable named pDeath is set to 1. Then OnPlayerSpawn the player will spawn on the death place if pDeath is 1. Then I want a timer to count down to 0 so that the player respawns. Should the timer be started when the player dies or should it always be going, checking if any players pDeath is 1?

Originally Posted by ******
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They are exactly the same in terms of use - just the latter one has more parameters. As for "lag", you can't possibly be concerned that the code is slow because you haven't even written it yet!
I don't want you to write the whole script for me, but could you breifly explain how you would do this? I mean, so that I can learn right form the beginning.

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