[FilterScript] afkSystem ( A simple AFK system with 3 commands )

Hello all. This is my first filterscript I have published at SA-MP forums.
I made this filterscript to practice "char arrays".
This is a simple AFK system, which allows the players to go AFK.
* Yes, I know that are many AFK systems on the forums, from advanced to simple one.

<1> This filterscript has 3 commands.
pawn Код:
"/afk [ reason ]" -> "Sets you at AFK status."
"/back" -> "Returns you back from AFK status."
"/afklist" -> "Shows the list of AFK players."
<2> When you are AFK, it will set you to another VirtualWorld. And when you are back, it will set you to your original VirtualWorld.
<3> You cannot chat if you are AFK.
<4> Players who are not AFK cannot use /back and vice-versa.

<> ZeeX -> ZCMD
<> greentarch -> Creating the script.

Pastebin -> http://pastebin.com/NqBdkKUh < Version : 1.0 >

Next Release
<> Textdraws < Progress : 0% >

If you have found a bug, please report it here!
You can give me suggestions if you like.

Good Job!

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