f4 is a bugmaking function.


Since youall know players can hit f4.
Why they can do this? nobody knows.
Anyway, I didn't found a suggestion thread and since this functions is more a bug then a useful function, I thought lets post it here.
So my question is, why is it there? and why isn't there a disable function.
Because I and I think alot other scripters have to make a tricky code to get around this function.
Like alot people say, use spawnplayer in it isn't working, when I hit this inside my server, I get complete fucked up and mostly crash or worse.
So I'm asking you if someone may know a way to avoid this, and can someone tell me why this function exists.

Why don't add a function like f12 > SpawnPlayer....
I mean scripters can use ForcePlayerClassSelection, so why a function so players can do it too...

Greetz, Roel.

Using F4 returns you to the class selection screen after you next die.

Yes I know that, but why can players use it? I think it's not relevant since scripters can use it using forceplayerclassselection.
Or atleast there should be a way to complete disable it.
I now found a way around it, but it's not a 100% waterproof way, it stills sets you inside the class selection, untill you hit a button it will spawn you correctly.

Just spawn them under OnPlayerRequestClass on a delay (timer).

He is asking, why we are not able to disable the F4 button since most of the Role-Play servers does not use this functon and for some it is hard to bypass it, even sometimes producing bugs etc.

The solution MP2 gave works fine- there's no reason for us to have the ability to disable the button.

If you can't bypass what it does, you've messed something up!

Agree with you Cop.

Originally Posted by RealCop228
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The solution MP2 gave works fine- there's no reason for us to have the ability to disable the button.!
There's no reason for not having this ability as well!

I disabled this "function" with very simple code. I can give it to you if you want...

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